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Crashed while crossing the road, a mother in Banjarsari Ciamis was injured

Hit while crossing the road, a woman in Banjarsari, Ciamis Regency, West Java, was injured and rushed to the hospital. Photo: Suherman/HR.

Ciamis News, (harapanrakyat.com),- Getting hit while crossing the road, a woman in Banjarsari, Ciamis Kabupaten District, West Java, suffered injuries and was rushed to the hospital.

The middle-aged woman named Yulianti Yeni (50), a resident of Cikohkol Hamlet, Sukasari Village, Banjarsari District, Ciamis Regency, was hit by a motorcycle on Jalan Raya Banjarsari. Precisely in the BTC complex, Sukasari Village, Saturday (12/06/2021).

Panit 2 Then Banjarsari Police, Ciamis Police, Iptu. Suryana said the accident started when the victim crossed the road. But suddenly a motorcycle appeared and hit him.

Baca Juga : Geruduk Polsek Banjarsari Ciamis, Massa Cekcok dengan Polisi

“It happened at around 8:30 pm. It is possible that the victim was hit while crossing the road and did not see a motorcycle coming from the west. Because the distance is close, finally an accident was inevitable. The victim was hit and suffered injuries to the shoulder and head. Now the victim is being referred to the Ciamis Hospital,” explained Iptu. Suryana.

Meanwhile, a motorcycle rider named Fadhel (18), a resident of Purwasari Village, Banjarsari District, Ciamis Regency, also suffered injuries to his leg.

“The motorcyclist entered the Banjarsari Health Center to get treatment because he suffered a torn leg wound. So they have to get medical stitches,” he explained. (Suherman/R3/HR-Online)

Editor : Eva Latifah

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