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CR7 case, Manchester United’s hard line: fine, defamation complaint and dismissal

“Manchester United initiated appropriate measures this morning in response to Cristiano Ronaldo’s recent media interview. We will not comment further until this process reaches its conclusion.” With this short official press release The Manchester United made it clear what his intentions are regarding the matter Cristiano Ronaldoafter poisonous statements of the Portuguese ace released to the journalist Piers Morgan and distributed in sections.

Fine, defamation complaint and dismissal
In detail, according to reports from Sports Courier on newsstands today, i red devils they intend to fine him heavily and perhaps even sue him for libel. Then, consequently, fire him for just cause. A just cause traced in the vitriolic words of CR7, for which the British company will have no reverence, since – the club claims – the player in the first place has shown that he has none towards United.

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