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Cow’s Milk Hunted by the Community During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Let’s Get To Know the Benefits

IDXChannel – During the explosion Covid-19, cow’s milk become one of the drinks sought by the people of Indonesia. Milk is considered as one of the drinks that can increase immunity and keep the body healthy and awake.

The public’s great enthusiasm for cow’s milk has been exploited by a number of rogue elements for personal gain. Some time ago, the price of packaged cow’s milk from a well-known brand was even priced well above the average. So what are the main benefits of cow’s milk?

Summarizing from the official Instagram page of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), Tuesday (13/7/2021), said that milk is a source of nutrition for the body to help meet daily nutrition. There are two main components in milk, namely macronutrients and micronutrients.

The two components contained in this milk have many benefits for the body. Although very useful, milk consumption needs to be adjusted to a balanced nutritional intake pattern according to serving suggestions. This effort must be done to maintain and improve health status. Some of the nutrients contained in milk include calcium, fat, minerals, protein, and vitamins.

In the case of Covid-19, many people have misunderstood the actual function and benefits of milk. BPOM asserts that processed food advertisements are prohibited from containing false information. Especially if the statement is misleading and gives excessive claims such as being able to heal and restore health or restore energy.

“As smart consumers, we must be wise in choosing the food products we consume, one of which is milk. Come on, find out what the real benefits of milk are for your body. Don’t join in the panic buying, OK!,” wrote the BPOM upload. (NDA)

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