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Covid outbreak after a party at a policeman’s house

Until a week ago there were no positive cases in the town. After the party, 22 infections were confirmed.
Photo: kindness.

The authorities of San José de la Dormida held a press conference on Monday to express their concern about an outbreak of coronavirus cases that took place in the town after a clandestine party that took place at dawn on January 1, after which they confirmed 22 positive cases in the last three days.

“We are extremely concerned, there was a clandestine party in the early morning of January 1 and that is something very sad and serious. There were about 50 people, and three of those people were positive”, said the coordinator of the COE in the north of Córdoba, Augusto Díaz.

As confirmed, the party was held at the home of a police officer, who was separated from the force following an investigation by the Court of Conduct and placed in a passive situation.

When it was confirmed that three of the attendees were positive for Covid, the municipality carried out a sanitary cordon, to perform swabs to the people who were identified in the event after being dismantled by the authorities.

It should be noted that until a week ago there were no positive cases in the town located in the Tulumba department, 125 kilometers from Córdoba Capital.

The party took place on January 1 at dawn as part of the festivities for the new year. After the surprise arrival of the Tulumba Departmental uniforms, they could only identify 21 since the rest fled through the courtyard, as published by Diario Primer Informe.

“Please, today is the time to have empathy,” the authorities added at the press conference, launching an urgent request to the attendees who were not identified to come for swabs.

Commissioner Mario Martín asserted that “there will be no sanctions or reprisals”, But he asked that those who attended “go voluntarily” to be tested to stop the wave of infections. Meanwhile, the director of the local hospital, Cristina Pérez, asked those who have mild symptoms “do not leave their homes.”

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