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Covid-19 deaths in the Valley this Monday were 19 cases, eleven of them in Cali

Julio 27, 2020 – 05:37 p. m.

Drafting of El País

The Ministry of Health reported this Monday 8,125 new cases of covid-19 in Colombia, bringing the global figure to 257,101 cases, since the start of the health emergency in the country. Of that number, there are currently 116,652 active.

In addition, 252 more people died from the disease, and the associated deaths are now counted at 8,777. 131,161 patients reported overcoming the disease.

This bulletin also details that 22,010 people have been found in the Valley, 474 of them in the last day. They recorded 19 deaths: eleven in Cali, two in Palmira, and one in the municipalities of Buga, Cartago, Pradera, Candelaria, Roldanillo, and Zarzal, respectively.

Also read: “The Valley may not have a large spike in covid-19 infections,” estimated the Ministry of Health.

The new positives are distributed in Bogotá (2,637), Antioquia (1,975), Córdoba (521), Valle del Cauca (474), Barranquilla (380), Nariño (292), Atlántico (218), Norte de Santander (204), Santander (137), Cundinamarca (125), Bolívar (122), Sucre (121), Putumayo (116), Cesar (101), Caquetá (92), La Guajira (80), Santa Marta (76), Tolima (74 ), Cartagena (66), Cauca (65), Magdalena (59), Chocó (41), Meta (33), Casanare (32), Boyacá (22), Quindío (19), Huila (18), Caldas (12 ), Risaralda (5), Guaviare (3), Amazonas (3), and San Andrés (2).

Regarding the deaths in Cali, the Health portfolio detailed that three men without underlying diseases died, with covid-19, aged 50, 59 and 74, respectively, two with kidney disease, aged 67 and 70, one aged 72 with hypertension and kidney disease, another 76-year-old with hypertension and one 40-year-old with obesity.

Regarding the women, they reported that it is a 40-year-old woman with no identified underlying diseases, a 71-year-old with hypertension and a 91-year-old with hypertension, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

The Ministry of Health of Cali reported that this July 27, the occupancy rate of Intensive Care units is 88%, equivalent to 790 beds, while 85.6% of those intended for patients with covid-19 are occupied. , a percentage that is equivalent to 528 stretchers.

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