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Cough to break out! The lungs of this group of people can no longer be injured! | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Life Center / Full Report

▲ Dr. Zeng Jingmin, Department of Thoracic Medicine, Zhenxing Hospital recalled, “One in five Chinese in Taiwan was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia this year.After recovery, it is recommended to apply the flu,Vaccines related to pneumonia prevention, such as the Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine, strengthen protection. “(Photo / Provided by the operator)

Since April 2022, the number of confirmed cases in Taiwan has rapidly amassed over 5 million, which equates to one in five Chinese people diagnosed this year. After the patients with new coronary pneumonia cleared customs and quarantined one after another, there were also many patients in the chest surgery who came to see a doctor because of the cough.

Smoking, chronic lung disease, old age, beware of coughs

Zeng Jingmin, chief of the Department of Thoracic Medicine at Zhenxing Hospital, said: “Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 often mention fatigue, dizziness and severe cough. Although the amount of sputum is not much, they still feel the throat. it is blocked, very uncomfortable and some more severe symptoms, there will be cough to wake up in the middle of the night and even feel chest tightness, heavy objects will be very short, affecting the performance of daily work.This is because the new coronavirus will cause a certain degree of damage to respiratory epithelial cells, on the mend there will be symptoms of hypersensitivity to the respiratory tract and some patients will continue to cough, if not seeking medical treatment, sometimes be delayed for two or three months. cough problems it is recommended to take six months. If necessary, chest x-rays, blood draws or blood tests will be done. lung function to assess whether there is concomitant pneumonia or lung function impairment At the same time, patients infected with the omicorn virus strain this year, if they have never had new coronary pneumonia with all vaccines, there is still the possibility of it becoming quite severe.

Dr. Zeng said that among patients with severe cough symptoms, many of them in the past had a habit of smoking, suffered from pulmonary obstruction or had certain lung diseases, such as: bronchiectasis and other chronic pneumonia diseases; the second Those with poor immunity, for example, patients with cancer, rheumatic immune diseases or who use immunosuppressants; the third are patients with poor heart, such as those who have suffered myocardial infarction, spared heart stents, heart failure, these patients with heart valve problems; there is another risk factor, namely older people over the age of 65, the symptoms of new coronary pneumonia will be more evident. Similar to the high-risk groups for pneumococcal pneumonia infection, much of it overlaps one another.

New coronal pneumonia is serious, the Dutch government provides public funds13Vaccine against Streptococcus pneumoniae conjugated with Valence

At present, the Dutch government also provides patients admitted to hospital due to a new coronary pneumonia infection and presenting pulmonary abnormalities, after recovery and discharge, free vaccination of the 13-valent Streptococcus pneumoniae conjugate vaccine at public expense. . Dr. Zeng said: “In clinical practice, we also recommend that patients at risk of severe pneumonia be vaccinated against Streptococcus pneumoniae. There are many infectious diseases in the world and the bacteria that cause pneumonia are not just the new coronavirus, streptococcus. invasive pneumoniae It is also a disease with a high mortality rate, so we would have recommended that after the recovery of the new coronary pneumonia, vaccines related to the prevention of pneumonia such as influenza, Streptococcus pneumoniae, etc. could be given.

Currently, there are two types of Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccines in Taiwan, 13-valent is a protein-bound Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine; 23-valent is a vaccine produced directly from the polysaccharide of Streptococcus pneumoniae. These two vaccines for Streptococcus pneumoniae are already quite mature vaccines with high stability.

Dr Zeng said: “There are many serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae. We now recommend that if you have not received any dose of Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine, you can first use the 13-valent conjugate vaccine with immune memory, then compare the serotypes. 23 more for the most complete protection “.

In the era of the pandemic, how to protect yourself? Dr. Zeng suggested: “The first priority is to wash your hands more often and wear a mask, because it is difficult to avoid flying into the environment, if you accidentally touch your hands and do not wash, you may have a chance to accidentally eat and win. to the lottery; secondly, you haven’t been vaccinated, so hurry up and fight., it will have some protective effect. If you get it, it won’t become serious after you get the vaccine. The third day the routine should be normal When the routine doesn’t it is normal, immunity will be weakened and it will be easy to get infected with viruses and bacteria At the same time, it is necessary to moderate Eat fruits and vegetables, eat less fried foods, exercise regularly and not always eat and drink at home, obesity will also increase the risk of infection “.

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