Home » today » World » Coronavirus, new record of infections in Great Britain: over 53 thousand. Usa, first case of English variant. Fauci: “Peak out of control”

Coronavirus, new record of infections in Great Britain: over 53 thousand. Usa, first case of English variant. Fauci: “Peak out of control”

The new English variant reports the Great Britain in the midst of the health crisis. For the second consecutive day, the country recorded the record of infections since the beginning of the pandemic. In the last 24 hours 53,135 people tested positive for coronavirus, well 13 thousand more than yesterday’s 41 thousand who had registered primacy in the Kingdom. There are also 414 deaths on the rise today. Thus the head of the British health service (NHS) has declared that Great Britain is again “In the eye of the storm”, while hospitals in England have reached their limit due to the increasing number of hospitalizations that exceeded those of last April.

So the British government decided to move. They have been deployed 1,500 military to help schools and universities perform coronavirus test on students upon returning to the classrooms in mid-January. Downing Street has allocated around 78 million pounds for mass tampons in schools and has ensured that the institutions will be equipped with the necessary kits. Army personnel will help with training courses, webinars, and other forms of support. And the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, tonight will chair the meeting of the emergency committee for the fight against Covid, the Cobra, on the eve of review of restrictions currently in force which force about 43% of the population into a level 4 regime, comparable to lockdown, which could be extended to other areas tomorrow due to the growing numbers of infections.

Critical situation also in United States, where the first case of the English variant in Colorado, about a 20-year-old boy. the virologist Anthony Fauci, interviewed by Cnn, stated that “we are facing a peak of cases that have become out of control in several respects ”, adding that the US is behind on the roadmap for the distribution of vaccines. Situation that led him to hypothesize a January far worse than December: “The concern is that in addition to the current increase in infections, the effects linked to the end of year holidays overlap. When you leave a large number of people traveling or dining indoors and in poorly ventilated rooms, that’s when you find yourself in trouble. I hope this does not happen, but it is very likely ”. Also Joe Biden warned the Trump administration about delays in vaccine distribution and announced its plan to quickly vaccinate as many people as possible.

In France which today has 11,395 new cases of Covid-19 the president Emmanuel Macron has convened a new health defense Council at the Elysée to take stock of the pandemic in the country, where restrictions have been relaxed for the Christmas holidays, and to evaluate any new measures, even at the local level. In recent days, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, he had said in an interview with Sunday Newspaper not to exclude a third lockdwon in fear of a third wave, but today the same minister told France 2: “We rule out a new lockdown, both nationally and regionally”. Véran instead spoke of a “concertation” in view of an advance of the start of curfew – from 20 to 18 – in the regions most at risk. As for the regions affected by the tightening of the curfew, he spoke of “unequal distribution” of the spread of the virus on the territory, with four regions that are beyond the epidemic alert threshold: the Grand Est, the region of Strasbourg already particularly affected in the first wave, the Franche-Comté, the Auvergne Rhone-Alpes (Lyon region) and the Maritime Alps, in the south near the border with Italy.

Germany Germany has recorded over 800 deaths from Covid-19 in the past 24 hours. According to data reported by the Robert Koch-Institut, the daily victims in the country were 852 while the new positives were 12,892.

Russia Russia confirms 27,002 new cases of Covid-19, 5,641 of which were diagnosed in Moscow, and another 562 deaths due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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