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Coronavirus, new outbreak: a restaurant and a kiosk closed in Fiumicino – Cronaca

Rome, June 27, 2020 – New baby Coronavirus outbreak in Lazio, to be precise in Fiumicino, after the two outbreaks discovered at Bartolini from Bologna it’s at Mondragone.

After the discovery of the positivity of the restaurant employee returned from Bangladesh the restaurant has been closed, together with a kiosk of the same owner. Eight positives so far it is the balance sheet of the cluster, the Covid-19 Crisis Unit of the Lazio Region announces, explaining that “ASL Roma 3 has ordered the closure of a second restaurant in Fiumicino due to the positivity of the owner of both premises”.

Carpet pads

Tests are carried out: in the early afternoon there were 400 of them, but around 18 the number had doubled, as underlined by the Crisis Unit: “They have already been carried out over 800 swabs at the drive-in of the Asl Roma 3 in Casal Bernocchi which was enhanced with the contribution of the Usca-R mobile units. We will continue uninterruptedly also tomorrow to trace and test all the contacts that have had to do with the two catering facilities in Fiumicino that have been closed “.

The epidemiological investigation will also be extended toBangladeshi Embassy of Rome when the day June 22 the employee now hospitalized at Spallanzani went for administrative reasons

The first 8 positives are: 2 holders of the place, 2 employees and 4 partners of the Bangladeshi patient hospitalized yesterday at the Spallanzani. It is recommended for all restaurant owners keep the contacts of the patrons to facilitate contact tracing operations if necessary and avoid heavy penalties. ASL Roma 3 is in constant contact with the mayor of Fiumicino“.

The mayor: no positive customers

The mayor of Fiumicino Esterino Montino, reassure the spirits: so far no customer of the bistrot premises, closed since yesterday after the positivity of one of his employees, is positive at Covid 19, after the first 400 swabs performed at the drive in Casal Bernocchi, remarked.
Several residents of the city, who have frequented the venue since June 21, have also swabbed or are heading there. Do not miss the concern, expressed largely on social media. As a precautionary measure, a bar kiosk on the Salute seafront, managed by the owner of the restaurant closed yesterday in front of the Municipality, has also been closed.

“It is important to underline that, at the moment, no customer is positive for the swab – adds the mayor – the only positive swabs are from employees, owners and cohabitants of the first patient. Since the owners of Indispensa are also the managers of the Spuma kiosk on the seafront of the Health – continues Montino – the kiosk has also been closed as a precautionary measure. for the days to follow. “

The drive-in for the swab: the rules

Then the appeal: “I remember whoever went to Indispensa or Spuma from 21 June last must go to the drive-in to be subjected to the buffer – the mayor explains – If you arrived in Casal Bernocchi you were faced with a large number of cars, as happened yesterday and is still happening, you can return later or tomorrow. In the meantime, however (and in any case until the outcome of the swab), it is necessary to remain isolated and not to have contact with anyone. For the same principle, you must go to the drive-in by car, but alone or accompanied only by people living together. Don’t go together with friends or people who don’t live with you because they put themselves at risk “.

To restaurateurs: keep customer records

And the mayor concludes: “Finally I renew the appeal to the owners and managers of premises, establishments and all the structures for which the measure is established by decrees, to keep the registers of customers scrupulously by marking name, surname and telephone number – Montino concludes – The customer list is a fundamental tool for trace all the people who came into contact with whom it should be positive. This allows to promptly intervene and limit the cases that emerge. In addition to the fact that keeping records avoids incurring even heavy penalties “.

Covid’s mini-clusters of the last few days

In the last few days new outbreaks of coronaviruses have appeared in Italy: Bologna (64 positive), Mondragone (49), Roma (4 in a religious institution), Fiumicino (8 and two closed rooms) Palmi (8), in the province of Reggio Emilia (7 in two families), Bolzano (11, a family outbreak), How (7 in a family home), between Prato and Pistoia 19 positive, 28 migrants a Porto Empedocle, 13 ad Alexandria in a retirement home. From north to south new outbreaks, in 9 regions, for a total of over 200 infected.

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