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Coronavirus | More loneliness threatens Dutch elderly NOW

Due to the advancing corona virus, elderly Dutch people are getting less visitors and attention from family and caregivers. Children and grandchildren decide to cancel visits for small cold symptoms. Moreover, activities for seniors also risk being canceled due to the virus. This is apparent from a survey of NU.nl among spokespersons of various interest groups.

It concerns a large group of two million Dutch people who feel vulnerable anyway, because the most fatalities of the virus so far have been seniors. Chinese studies also show that the elderly run a considerably higher risk of infection than adults.

“We have received a lot of signals from our members in the last few days,” said spokesperson Bernadet Naber of ANBO. “There is a large group that actually worries about the situation. They cancel meetings and regular activities such as the bridge club, for fear of getting sick themselves.”

‘A visit to the grandchild is a highlight for many elderly people’

In addition, many family members are more careful when visiting grandfather or grandmother. This is also the official advice of the RIVM. “Even with a small cold, they think: we are not going to stop by this week anyway”, explains the ANBO victory woman. “That is a very sweet idea of ​​course. But for many elderly people, such a visit is the highlight of the week.”

Jan Slagter, director of the elderly broadcaster MAX, confirms these signals. “It is not that problematic that we will start a campaign or emergency number,” he immediately nuances. “But of course we also hear from our members that people in this period of corona are a little longer without visitors than is normally the case.”

Slagter continues: “This is a group that very quickly misses that claim and that contact with family or friends when it falls away unexpectedly. It makes a hole in the routine that reassures them.”

Omroep MAX is considering live shows without an audience

Omroep MAX organizes many activities for this target group throughout the country. “But we fear that we will soon have to suspend things”, Slagter warns. “If there is a real risk that visitors can get sick on our day trips, boat trips and member days, then they cannot continue.” The same applies to the live programs of the broadcaster. “For example, we are considering temporary Time for MAX without recording in public. “

Henk Krol, political party leader of political party 50PLUS, also says he gets many worried signals from his supporters. “It is not just about the chat, but many children also provide practical hand and care services for their old father or mother,” Krol explains.

“If son or daughter no longer comes along, that also means that no more shopping is done. And online ordering is something that many elderly people are not nearly as useful in as their thirties or forties. The impact of such a loss is not too great underestimate. “

“Media, focus even more on the elderly with corona messages”

At member meetings, Krol notes that the older Dutch people are very concerned about the COVID-19 virus. “It is precisely this group that follows all reporting very intensively,” he says. “They have a huge need for information in these uncertain times.”

50 Plus has also canceled members’ council meetings in Venlo and Oosterhout.

The ANBO senior citizens’ association urges family and friends to keep in contact with parents or grandparents in other ways if there are no visits due to the corona virus. “Calling a little more often or having facetims can be a very good alternative in this time for sitting on the couch for an hour,” said spokesman Naber. “A small gesture can already have a huge positive impact.”

Follow the latest developments regarding the virus in our live blog.

The coronavirus in short

  • The virus spreads mainly through cough and sneeze drops that hang in the air for a short time. Anyone who shows no symptoms is hardly a risk of infection.
  • An infected person infects two to three others on average. This number can decrease with good precautions.
  • The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) symptoms.
  • Almost all deaths concern older or already sick people. You can protect these people with precautionary measures.
  • Read here what the most important precautions are.

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