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Coronavirus in Portugal, Italy, Spain … several European countries are taking containment measures

The number of infections is increasing again in some countries, especially in southern Europe. Portugal, for example, has just taken restructuring measures in several districts on the outskirts of Lisbon.

Residents of nineteen municipalities in Lisbon will only be able to leave their homes to shop, go to work or see a doctor. Only gatherings of up to five people are allowed in these areas. “The covid has not disappeared, it will not disappear until there is a drug or vaccine and we are all vaccinated”said Antonio Costa, the Portuguese Prime Minister.

As for shops, and in particular cafes, they must close at 8 p.m. throughout the capital. “Those who respect the rules are suffering from bad behavior from certain elements of our society, even if it causes us great harm”, says Nuno Gonçalves, owner of a bar.

In Italy, the army was deployed to Mondragone, about sixty kilometers from Naples, around a complex of social housing. Some 700 people, mostly Bulgarians, employed in agriculture, have been confined there since Monday, after the discovery of 43 cases of contamination. On Thursday, a group of men broke into the containment cordon for a protest that was not well received by residents, who threw stones at them.

In Spain, three sources of contamination have been identified, including one in Aragon. As a precautionary measure, in Madrid, 27 retirement homes have reintroduced the ban on visits. “It’s a bit heavy, but these are measures that are taken for our own good, for the good of all”, says Rafael Salcedo, son of a resident.

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