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Corona rules tightened in Hesse: students and parents need to know that

The lockdown to fight the corona pandemic in Germany will be extended until January 31 due to the continued high number of infections and even tightened. The Corona cabinet met in Hessen on Wednesday.

Update from January 6th, 5:17 p.m .: The new tightened Corona-Rules apply in Hessen from January 11th until the end of the month. That has that Corona-Cabinet of the Hessian State government decided on Wednesday. In the future only Relatives one Household with a maximum of one more not in household living Person in public room to meet.

In addition, numerous remain shops and service provider closed. Also leisure– and Cultural institutions remain tight. Visits to Hospitals, Seniorenheimen and Care facilities remain possible under strict guidelines.

Bund and countries had changed the day before because of the persistently high Corona-Infection numbers informed about even stricter contact rules. These decisions are made by the country Hessen now at.

Corona in Hessen: No compulsory attendance at schools – exception for graduating classes

A decision is also made with a view to that schools like: student grades 1 to 6 do not have to apply for the classes in the schools come. The obligation to be present will be suspended for them. Distance learning will be offered for students from grade 7, said Minister of Culture Alexander Lorz (CDU). The final classes in Hessen. These are trained in face-to-face classes.

For younger ones student is still a kind from Monday Emergency care possible in schools, if parents have to go to work and not be at home to look after theirs children can take care of. You would then be in the school taught in fixed study groups, said Lorz. “But I appeal to everyone parents, your children – whenever possible – in the sense of reducing contact Home to keep.”

Both Next it stays with the previous one Regulation in Hessen. If parents cannot look after their children at home, childcare is still possible. On Entry ban will not exist in Hessen.

Corona: The federal and state governments agree on stricter rules

+++ 7.14 p.m .: The Lockdown to combat the Coronapandemic will continue to be higher Covid-19 infection rates extended until January 31st. This applies to, for example closure most of them shops, Restaurants, Theater, Museums and Recreational facilities, as Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Minister and Prime Minister of the countries at their deliberations on Tuesday in Berlin have agreed.

The Contact restrictions to contain the Coronapandemic are tightened: In future, private gatherings will only be in the circle of relatives of your own Household and with a maximum of one more not in household living Person allowed.

Corona rules tightened in Hesse: lockdown extended until February

On people in Counties with very high CoronaInfection numbers there is also a drastic one restriction of their Freedom of movement to. From one 7 day incidence of over 200 New infections per 100,000 inhabitants the countries local activities take to the Range of motion on 15 Kilometer to the place of residence to limit unless there is a valid reason. The district Fulda was on Tuesday with one Incidence of 194.0 (as of January 5, 12:15 p.m.), i.e. just below the critical value of 200.

Also the CoronaLockdown For schools and Next will therefore be extended until the end of January. The Bund wants to regulate that by law Child sickness benefit this year for 10 additional days each parent and by 20 days for single parent granted.

First report from January 5th, 4:53 p.m .:

Hessen – Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) consults with the Prime Minister the countries about the further procedure in the coronapandemic to advise. A nationwide extension of the current one Lockdowns seems safe. Among other things, Hesse Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) calculates according to the State Chancellery from the weekend with CoronaRestrictions public life beyond January 10th.

However, the possible time span for an extension of the CoronaLockdowns. It was also questionable how the company would operate Next and schools after the Christmas holidays should continue. In this regard, the Hessian state government stated that it wanted to enable as much classroom teaching as is reasonable.

Corona rules in Hesse: signs point to lockdown extension

Hessen was like the others Federal states also, on December 16 in a far-reaching Lockdown gone to the high numbers from New coronavirus infections contain. The Presence requirement to the schools was two days before the start of Christmas holidays been canceled.

Numerous shops and service provider have been closed since then, including Hairdressers. Also leisure– and Cultural institutions had to close – about Museums, Gambling halls and Swimming pools. May remain open, among other things Supermarkets, Drugstores, Banks and Gas stations. Abhol– and Delivery services stay allowed, too Auto– and Bicycle workshops can continue working.

Video: radius of motion in corona lockdown – what does that mean exactly?

Recreational athletes may alone, in pairs or with relatives of your own Household on and in all Sports facilities sport float.

The following still applies: The stay in public space is only alone, with the relatives of your own and of another Household permitted up to a group size of five people at most; associated children up to and including the age of 14 years are not taken into account.

It is a far-reaching one Mask requirement, including in Shops, Buses and Lanes as well as in some Pedestrian zones. Visits to Hospitals, Seniorenheimen and Care facilities remain possible under strict guidelines. (dpa, lio)

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