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Corona Eased, Residents in North Lombok and Sumbawa Island Can Hold Crowds

POLICE CHIEF General Idham Aziz withdrew the government’s compliance information in handling the deployment of Covid 19. Thus, the public was allowed to engage in time-consuming activities. However, it is still necessary to carry out the health protocol.

The revocation of the notice was stated in the telegram letter number STR / 364 / VI / OPS.2 / 2020 dated June 25, 2020. The telegram was about an order to the ranks regarding the annulment of the Police Chief’s announcement and efforts to support the New Normal policy.

There are five points in the telegram. Namely, supervision and discipline of the community in carrying out health protocols, such as keeping a distance, using masks and washing hands. Then, there are also instructions to increase cross-sectoral cooperation to prevent the spread of Covid 19.

The third point is in the form of education and continuous socialization to the community to provide a correct understanding. Furthermore, intensive coordination must be carried out with the Covid Task Force 19 in each region.

The last point, for regions that are still implementing PSBB or in the red and orange zones, community activities are still limited in accordance with the provisions. Thus, activities with mass can only be done by those who live in the yellow zone.

For the island of Lombok, currently the yellow zone only exists in North Lombok. West Lombok and Mataram City are still in the red zone. While East Lombok and Central Lombok are still orange zones.

While on the island of Sumbawa, all have been able to carry out activities that gather mass. Because, four districts namely West Sumbawa, Sumbawa, Dompu and Bima have yellow zones. In fact, Kota Bima is already in the green zone.

National Police Chief Inspector General Inspector Argo Yuwono said that the repeal of the announcement was aimed at supporting the government’s policy in the implementation of the new normal. “That was the goal,” he explained.

With the annulment of the information, it can be interpreted that social community activities that cause a large crowd can be held. However, the course of the activity will still be monitored in order to implement the health protocol. “Yes, keep your distance, wear a mask and wash your hands,” he explained.

Previously, the Indonesian Police Chief’s announcement number Mak / 2 / III / 2020 dated March 21 prohibited all community activities. From social activities to culture. The crowd was dispersed in various places. In fact, the Indonesian National Police has dispersed more than 1 million times throughout Indonesia.

The Police Chief’s announcement was seen as one of the causes of Polri’s success in helping prevent the spread of covid 19. Kompolnas Commissioner Poengky Indarti said, indeed the National Police succeeded in helping the government to prevent the spread of covid 19. “It’s hard to imagine without the existence of the National Police helping disperse the crowd,” he said.

In various disbanding of the crowd, the National Police applied a humanist approach. Thus, rejection rarely occurs which accumulates into conflict and so on. “Of course the National Police needs to be appreciated,” he explained. (kus / JPG / r6)

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