Home » today » Entertainment » Controversy Erupts Over Parody Song ‘Non-Russian’ by Semyon Slepakov: Veterans of Russia Demand Criminal Case

Controversy Erupts Over Parody Song ‘Non-Russian’ by Semyon Slepakov: Veterans of Russia Demand Criminal Case

The public movement “Veterans of Russia” demands that a criminal case be opened against Semyon Slepakov* for the song “Non-Russian” – a parody of the song “I am Russian” by SHAMAN. This was reported by the Shot telegram channel.

We are talking about the article “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity,” which provides for up to five years in prison. The “veterans” appealed to the prosecutor’s office and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

“Non-Russian, the blood of the father is not important; / Non-Russian, without a piece of the end; / Non-Russian, I was unlucky; / Non-Russian, I am global evil,” Slepakov* sang in the show of another foreign agent and relocant Mihail Šac*. Slepakov* spiced up this text, if I may say so, with the chorus of the Jewish song “Hava Nagila.”

According to “Veterans of Russia”, the above lines are offensive and humiliate the dignity of Russians.

As reported EADailycomedian Semyon Slepakov*, who escaped from Russia, parodied the song SHAMAN (Yaroslav Dronov) “I am Russian” by publishing a video on social networks. Users left a lot of indignant comments on his page.

*An individual performing the functions of a foreign agent

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