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Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine Trains 17 Combat Brigades for Counter-Offensive Operations

Members of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine have trained 17 Ukrainian combat brigades for counter-offensive operations, and a significant part of them are not yet involved in hostilities.

Source:European truth“, which quotes from the briefing on the results of “Rammstein” by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army, General Mark Milley

Details: As Milli noted, Ukraine continues its counter-offensive “steadily and decisively, boldly going into fierce and bloody battles to regain its native land.”

“This advance will be slow, complex and costly. In this ongoing battle, Ukrainians are fighting through dense minefields and obstacles, while a sizable Ukrainian force pool is expected to engage in combat at a time and place to be determined. Ukraine,” he added.

The American top general emphasized that the Contact Group on the Defense of Ukraine is engaged not only in agreements on the supply of equipment, but also in the preparation and education of the Ukrainian military.

“Together, the coalition has trained 17 combat brigades for this offensive and more than 63,000 military personnel. The US alone has trained 15,000 of them, and training is still ongoing,” he announced.

According to Milli, this training “made it possible to develop tangible skills that allowed us to create combat-ready Ukrainian units led by talented commanders.” “And it has a tangible impact on the battlefield today,” the general added.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, opening the 14th online meeting of the Ukrainian Defense Contact Group, earlier assured that the allies will not stop until Ukraine receives the weapons and ammunition it needs.

The Rammstein format, which brings together more than 50 countries, was founded with the aim of collectively supporting Ukraine to meet the defense needs of the Ukrainian army in the face of a full-scale Russian invasion.

About the results of the last “Rammstein”, which took place in June, read in detail in material “EuroPravda” from Brussels.

2023-07-18 19:06:43

#Milli #told #Ukrainian #military #allies #prepared #offensive

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