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Consequences of Eating Cherries with Worm Inside: Symptoms and Necessary Interventions

What are the consequences of eating cherries with the worm inside? The possible implications and how it is advisable to intervene after specific symptoms.

The cherries with the worm inside they can represent a decidedly unpleasant constant. The phenomenon is certainly not rare, this fruit remains available until July in some of its variants and it is normal that there may be some unexpected and obviously unwanted “guest” inside it.

Cherries on a tree (Canva – inran.it)

We could find cherries with the worm inside both freshly picked from our garden or even after having bought them from fruit and vegetables or in a supermarket. The fact is that, making all the appropriate exorcisms, this is an unexpected event that could have some consequences.

It must also be said that you cannot say no to cherries. Before eating them one after the other though you need to rinse them under strictly cold running water, dry them with a clean cloth or absorbent kitchen paper and make sure they are completely dry.

Cherries with the worm inside, are there any consequences?

In addition to being very good, cherries are also very nutritious, since they have numerous properties that are very good for the body. There are some good stuff between various vitamins, minerals to no end such as potassium, an excellent water content and lots of flavor, compared to a low content of natural sugar, or fructose.

Several ripe cherries (Canva – inran.it)

In addition, cherries also have purifying and diuretic properties, what is needed to unblock a heavy intestine. But as with many other types of fruit, cherries also attract insects that feed on their pulp. In reality, the cherry worm is represented by a special one species of fly which lays its larvae there.

Usually their presence is found inside cherries with a softer consistency. And it is also for this reason that the fruit detaches from the tree and falls prematurely, at times. Eating insects in itself is not bad. You assimilate a lot of protein and you don’t have to make drama.

What to do if cherries have unwelcome guests?

But if you are very unlucky it could arise a bacterial contamination which could in turn lead to food poisoning.

Some freshly picked cherries (Canva – inran.it)

The symptoms of which could be represented by the classics vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and nausea. Better consult now your primary care physician in these cases, or go to the emergency room in case of acute manifestation of these negative physical signs.

The clues that can make us understand if there could be some insects inside the cherries are dictated by the soft consistency of the fruit, by the presence of any holes – which could be more difficult than expected to identify – and in general gives an unpleasant feeling which in any case does not make you want to taste them.

If there should be complications, let’s remember once again that it is always good to warn a doctor or go to the hospital, to avoid further consequences and to solve any problem.

2023-07-03 17:01:59
#eaten #cherries #worms #happen

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