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Concert show “New York New York” in Buchs is big


“New York feeling guaranteed”: The concert show New York – New York is big and combines many styles of music

Next week the Buchs Lokremise will be transformed into the city of New York. From Cadillac to cheesecake, a spectacular light show and songs that – at least it feels like – transport the audience to the middle of the American metropolis, the concert show “New YorkNew York” has everything to offer. The spectacle is presented by the Werdenberg music school.

Dennis Mungo, producer, and Renate Wehinger, project management & concept, are ready for the concert show after a long period of preparation
New York – New York next weekend.

Photo: Alexandra Gächter

Renate Wehinger, project management & concept, and Dennis Mungo, producer, have been working on this project for a long time. “The idea came up five years ago. New York is an amazing city. Anyone who can make a career here can do it anywhere. Dreams come true here. It is the city of unlimited possibilities, ”enthuses Renate Wehinger. Nothing can convey this energetic atmosphere better than the music of artists who forged their dreams in this city.

Tap dancer Fabien Ruiz could be won

Renate Wehinger said:

“No city is sung about as often as New York.”

Because of this, a wealth of artists and musical styles can be presented in the concert show. It ranges from swing to R’n’B to pop music and more. The soloists Tina Ajala, Jennifer Sarah Boone, Julia Hagne, Raphael Jost and Günter Wehinger will delight the concert show audience as usual with their 20 songs by artists such as Frank Sinatra, Michael Jackson, Alicia Keys and Lady Gaga. For their part, the singers appreciate being able to sing here in Buchs, accompanied by a live orchestra.

Tap dancer Fabien Ruiz from Paris could be won as a special guest. Known for his extraordinary abilities, his interlude is not just a dance, but music in the form of percussion at the same time. With conductor Jan Ströhle and the eight band members, including Dennis Mungo, the Werdenberg music school was able to sign other greats in the scene.

Renate Wehinger chooses words of praise for Dennis Mungo:

«He’s a rampage pig. I couldn’t have asked for anything better for the electric guitar solo of Michael Jackson’s song Beat it. ”

For Dennis Mungo it is very special to be part of such a spectacular show, as he says. The requirements are also high when it comes to technology: “Finding the right sound engineer is a difficult task. The challenge is to combine string instruments with electronic instruments. Thanks to good connections, I was able to win Martin Bröll for this task. To find so many good people, you need a huge network », says Renate Wehinger. A woman from no less a city than New York itself was hired as a graphic designer.

The longest show and a huge screen

Renate Wehinger spent weeks in New York for film and photo shoots. She then sorted out thousands of photos. “When I start a project, then I live it too,” she says. The multimedia show and other attractions in the Lokremise should give the audience the feeling that they are themselves in the city of unlimited possibilities. This feeling is supported by culinary specialties from New York such as pancakes, hot dogs, burgers as well as Manhattan and Cosmopolitan cocktails.

Just like the city of New York, the concert show will be “big”, says Renate Wehinger. She adds:

“The screen for the projections is huge and it will be the longest show we have ever put on. Anything else would not do justice to this megacity. “

New YorkNew York: Friday and Saturday 17./18. September from 8 p.m. in the Lokremise Buchs. There is no mask requirement at the event, however, the 3G certificate requirement applies.

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