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Competition for the cinema release “THE LIGHT THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF”

The moving film about the power of cinema and storytelling will be released in cinemas nationwide by Neue Visionen.

The large hall, the roaring colours, the rattling of the film projector – the first cinema experience is a very special one. Samay’s world, who lives with his family in a small village in India, is also turned upside down when his father takes him to the local cinema for the first time. After that he is sure: he wants to make films!

A happy coincidence leads him to meet the projectionist Fazal, who is amazed by the cooking skills of Samay’s mother and lets him watch films for free in exchange for the contents of his lunch box. Without further ado, Samay begins to skip school and prefers to spend his days in the projection room of the cinema. Here he dives into fantastic worlds day after day. But the idyll threatens to come to an abrupt end: the era of celluloid is coming to an end and the local cinema is threatened with closure.

Samay’s father is also not enthusiastic about his son’s plans to capture light and set images in motion. In order to realize his dream, Samay must save the cinema into his own hands – because his story insists on being told.

In warm, nostalgic images, THE LIGHT OF WHICH DREAMS ARE brings the first points of contact with the great love of cinema to life. Director Pan Nalin has written a tender and moving love letter to the power of cinema and storytelling on the big screen.

A powerful and delightful film that transports us to a wondrous world of light and celluloid, proving that the dream of cinema can never be dreamed too big.

Source: Neue Visionen Film distribution GmbH


We are giving away 1x Indian kitchen Dishoom (book) and 1x Little Sun Original (solar lamp)!

If you want to win, please send us by Sunday, 29. May 2022,
an email with the subject THE LIGHT THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF an:
[email protected]

Participation from 18 years. Please do not forget to enter your full address (Privacy Policy). Employees of the Dumrath & Fassnacht group of companies and their relatives are excluded from participation. Multiple submissions and automated entries will be deleted. The legal process is excluded. Much luck!

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