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Company helps Bickenrieder Wehr with technology | Mulhouse

Bickenrieder Wehr helps companies with technology

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Updated: 03/10/2021, 8:00 p.m.-

Bickenried fire brigade receives support from a local company

Frank Staufenbiel and Bernd Thiel (front, from left) with the new acquisition that was sponsored by Doepke (back with managing director Andreas Müller and site manager Andreas Hülfenhaus).

Photo: Alexander Volkmann

Many fire services in the Unstrut-Hainich district are traffic accidents. At the volunteer fire brigade in Bickenriede, that accounts for around two thirds of all assistance. With the local company Doepke, manufacturer of switchgear, and its managing director Andreas Müller, the Bickenried fire brigade has longstanding supporters. Now the company boss handed over a stabilization system to the comrades.

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