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Community Support and Care: Hussein al-Kharasani and Arild Tjørve Reach Out to Children and Young People After Double Murder Tragedy

LIGHTS: Hussein al-Kharasani and Arild Tjørve visited children and young people after the double murder in Kristiansand. Photo: Mattis Sandblad / VG

KRISTIANSAND (VG) The murder of mother and daughter makes a strong impression in the neighbourhood: – On a day like this it is extra important to show a lot of love and care, says Hussein Al-Kharasani.


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The young environmental worker and deacon Arild Tjørve was out on the streets of Vågsbygd in Kristiansand on Thursday to visit children and young people and talk to them about the tragedy.

– The young people are curious about what has happened. We want to meet them as adults and give them opportunities to express their feelings, thoughts and questions, says Al-Kharasani to VG.

A mother and her eight-year-old daughter were found murdered in a home in Vågsbygd on Wednesday. The police received the report at 1:21 p.m.

– What has happened affects the village. Now we have to be here for each other, says Tjørve.

Lights and flowers have been placed by the police cordons around the house in the residential area.

So far, no one has been arrested for the crime.

At 9pm on Wednesday, the police were at Fiskåvannet to investigate. Eventually the police armed themselves, and a dog patrol came to the scene to search, reports The friend of the fatherland.

Zara Thoresen (37) says the neighborhood has always been calm and safe.

– The children play freely in the street, we greet each other, houses and gardens are well-kept, everyone takes care of their own. And suddenly the tragedy hits us so close, says the mother of three to VG.

She thinks words are poor.

– My nine-year-old daughter knows the third-grader who is dead. As a mother, I know that it affects me. I can’t imagine how painful it must be for those left behind.

A friend sent her a message about a double murder in the neighbourhood.

– I felt I was completely paralyzed. Since then I have spoken to several people. I see that people have a drag on their face. “How could this happen”, is the phrase that repeats itself.

SYMPATHY: Flowers and candles have been laid at the scene. Photo: Mattis Sandblad / VG

The road she drives daily was full of police and roadblocks on Wednesday.

– I got a real kick in me. I wonder if someone could have intervened earlier, if there were danger signals that were not perceived. These are questions that someone must grapple with.

She wants to talk to her daughter, but finds it difficult.

– Children tend to have a lot of thoughts, it’s important not to scare them. At the same time, it is important to be open. It is us adults who convey the safest information to our children.

Photo: Mattis Sandblad / VG

Kristiansand municipality has mobilized the crisis team.

– We use all the resources we have. I hope we manage to take care of those around us, family and relatives, friends and classmates, says mayor Jan Oddvar Skisland to VG.

The school administration and school staff are planning how the students will be received on Thursday. The teachers will listen and look after the children in the best possible way.

– It will be a very sad day for the school children, says education director in Kristiansand Kristin Eidet Robstad to VG.


Published: 27.09.23 at 22:51

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2023-09-27 20:51:52

#Neighborhood #shaken #double #murder #completely #paralyzed

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