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Clubhouse: How it works and how to get there

Although Clubhouse It got to the Czech Republic at the beginning of this year and immediately gained in popularity, the application was introduced last May in Silicon Valley by Paul Davison and Rohan Seth.

At the beginning, the application was used by only a select few, the Clubhouse gradually grew stronger and before the end of last year it was used by over half a million users, including several world stars.

She certainly helped her to succeed as well pandemic coronavirus, which bothers the whole world and thanks to it, people can stay in touch with others and share their opinions, problems, know-how or just be in contact with someone, despite strict government regulations.

How does it work?

In the Clubhouse application you can’t share videos, photos, write with private message users, cannot be liked or commented. Everything takes place live and through the voice in the individual rooms, where one can connect and listen or talk to a topic that interests him.

After joining the room, the people are divided into two groups, the first being the speakers on the imaginary stage and the rest being the audience. If someone from the audience wants to comment on the topic, they can sign up and the moderators of the room can pull them up from the audience to the podium and give them the floor.

The audio is not stored anywhere after the end of the room, so once you hear it, you won’t listen to it again. The good news for users is the fact that the application also works in the background, which means that you can just listen and work in another application.

Tough conditions

The so-called one striky policy, that is – once you break the rules, you will immediately lose your registered account. At the same time, no one under the age of 18 should be online.

Even if the audio is deleted immediately, the Clubhouse has the option to play the audio in case it is reported and evaluate its defect.

How to get to the Clubhouse?

First of all, it is necessary to say that the application is still available only for mobile phones with the iOS operating system. But the developers are already working on a version for phones with the Android operating system.

At this point, the Clubhouse application is possible get by invitation onlysent to your phone number by another user who is already part of the social network. Invitations are in limited quantities, the newly registered will receive two invitations. Thanks to the invitation system, the application gains exclusivity, because not everyone can access it yet. Clubhouse has become a phenomenon in the Czech Republic in a few weeks and invitations are also sold on the Internet in the order of hundreds of crowns.

After logging in and registering, you can link your twitter and instagram account and start following people who interest you and follow their activity. Then all you have to do is join the room and start discussing.

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