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Civil society joint action against privatization and publicity retreat policies in South Korea

On the morning of the 17th, at the Franciscan House in Jung-gu, Seoul, privatization was stopped! Strengthen publicity! Participants are chanting slogans at the press conference for the launch of the civil society joint action. The joint action was made by about 100 civil society groups against the Yoon Seok-yeol government’s privatization and publicity retreat policies, such as the decision to expand the SR, which further solidified the division of the high-speed rail, and the drastic increase in public transportation fares. Reporter Baek So-ah [email protected]

While the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions’ Public Transport Workers’ Union is about to stage a joint strike calling for the expansion of publicity for the first time in seven years, civic groups that support it have gathered to form a solidarity organization. ‘Civil society joint action to block privatization and expand publicity’ (joint action) held a press conference on the morning of the 17th and announced that “citizens who are direct victims of privatization and publicity retreat will launch a solidarity organization to speak out and act.” The joint action launched on this day consisted of about 100 civic groups, including the Federation of Health and Medical Organizations and the National Action for Public Pensions. At the press conference, they cited the fixation of high-speed rail division, such as the expansion of SR trains, the promotion of private participation in the electricity transmission network, and the private initiative of the Seoul Social Service Center as representative examples of privatization and reduction of publicity promoted by the government. Kim Se-gyun, an advisor to the Nonamegi Foundation, said in a statement to the purpose, “The Yoon Seok-yeol administration is once again skillfully pushing for full-scale privatization and marketization of public goods such as medical care, transportation, and electricity in the name of privatization, as if it had a good meaning.” The joint action will also support a general strike in September by the public transportation union, which includes workers in the public sector, such as railway, energy and health care. The Public Transport Workers’ Union will hold three joint strikes starting with the first strike in mid-September and ending in November. Reporter Jang Hyun-eun [email protected]
2023-08-17 10:03:07
#privatization #healthcare #transportation #electricity #Establishment #civic #group #solidarity

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