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City horoscope for year 2021

Bangkok That is, the moon is buried on Saturday, the city pillar on Sunday, 10 rises, lunar months, 6 years, falls on April 21, B.E.

In forecasting events in the country in the year Is considered mainly from Jupiter and Saturn But nowadays, Rahu and Deadly are taken into account. These stars will have a trajectory in 2021 as follows.

1. Jupiter orbits in Capricorn from January 1 to 29, 2021, and moves into Aquarius on 29th at 11.48 and stays in this sign until December 31, 2021.

2. Saturn orbits in Capricorn throughout 2021.

3. Rahu stars orbit in the Zodiac throughout the year 2021.

4. Uranus orbits in Aries throughout 2021.

When the four stars orbiting in the aforementioned zodiac Adding to the city floor, you can see that Jupiter joins Saturn in Capricorn at the beginning of the year. Which is the same period that Mars orbits in Aries, Thab Lakana and Sun. Therefore inferred that at the beginning of the year Especially in the period that Mars meets Lakhana There will be two bad events for the country:

1. The COVID-19 outbreak will become so severe that it can be said to be a second wave of outbreaks.

2. Political gatherings will become more intense and could lead to political change.

Economic Rahu orbiting Aries crosses Mars and angles swaying with the original Mercury and Rahu. Making the already poor economy even worse Especially the country’s debt will increase. And the people lived more difficult together

Uranus that overlaps Luckna and the Sun Will cause unexpected events such as the loss of important people of the country And unexpected political changes will occur etc.

Horoscope of life in the year 2021

Aries people have a way of life in 2021 similar to that of the city in January, they encounter problems in the workplace. Will change jobs Some even lost their jobs. Due to being dismissed And some who operate their own businesses May encounter losses, must liquidate the business But after April Will gradually improve

In addition to work and money There are still stories about the illness of myself and those around me. And may lose an adult relative during the month of April – December 2021

During the months of January to February there will be a change in job duties. Or change career for the worse Some even became unemployed Because the employment contract was terminated Or quit business due to loss, but in love, will be lucky Those who are single have the opportunity to get married.

The address or office will be changed. And has changed for better But after April To be careful of your own illness Or family You have to bear the cost.

During the months of January to February will receive a large fortune from partners. Or an Urakij speculation But at the same time, there will be health problems. Or a slight accident from April to December will have to travel abroad. To contact work or training

In 2021, throughout the year, conflicts with partners must be wary. Colleague As for love has come and gone Did not end up as expected Health is a concern Especially about the liver or kidneys

At the beginning of the year you have the opportunity to win a large fortune. From fortune or speculative business After April Will get good news from work done at the end of last year But be careful with your health And Arjsut lost elders from January to April

During the months of January to February, beware of illness. And have to pay a lump sum for self-preservation Or family Work can continue to move forward. And love must wait

Before April, beware of your illness. And family But after April Will receive a large sum of money from work or inheritance In love, those who are single Have the opportunity to get married or get engaged

Before April will receive a big fortune from a special event Or speculative business But from April to December will lose the elders. Or conflict with elders in the work circle

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