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City and hospital of Béziers, united for health and the environment

Since September 2021, the hospital of Béziers and the municipality of Sérignan have signed an agreement to offer patients followed in psychiatry at the day hospital eco-citizenship actions several times a month.

Since then, every other Friday, the facilitator in the Environment department, Pierre Romatico, the nurse, Pascale Bajard, and the occupational therapist, Isabelle Estaque, accompany a group of patients for an outing called “ecolo-beach”. Most are regulars who wouldn’t miss it for the world, but there are some new faces as well.

For two hours, they pick up the waste at Orpellières or at the Maïre, depending on the needs. These outings are beneficial for patients and are part of their care program, to move towards autonomy. In their own words, it gives them a feeling of freedom, they feel in cohesion with the group, they escape, forget their worries. They like the choice of silence or discussion, and the peace of mind brought to them by contact with the sea.

Beyond that, they are made aware of the natural riches of this Natura 2000 area, of ecology, of respect for the environment. They appreciate the fact of discovering the seasons, the fauna, the flora, the insects, the anecdotes on the territory and our heritage that the animator Pierre Romatico tells them.

Finally, and the word came back several times, they feel “useful”. Indeed, this cleaning of the waste is necessary, the bags quickly filled up that morning, near the chapel of Sérignan-Plage.

Hospital support teams and patients appreciate this meeting, which has beneficial effects on health as well as on our environment.

Le Wednesday May 11the municipality makes an appointment for an eco-friendly cleaning, like every year…

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