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Christian Didier: The Man Who Killed René Bousquet

This 49-year-old individual, RMISTE and regular user of psychiatric hospitals, responds to the name of Christian Didier.

Facing journalists, he claims to have “killed the monster” Bousquet, as part of “a divine mission” because “justice did not do its job”. Ghost of the Dark Years l’Occupation and the horrors committed by the regime of Vichy, René Bousquet – 84 years old – had so far managed to escape a trial forr crime against humanitybut his appearance before the assizes to answer for his actions was only a matter of months.

Now dead, the former collaborator of Marshal Pétainof Pierre Laval and Nazis therefore escape all judgment. He takes his secrets and his part of the truth about Vichist crimes with him to his grave.

The only one now facing justice is his murderer: Christian Didier. And far from the assassin-vigilante clothes that he initially displayed, the police investigation and the investigation will bring to light a complex personality and a chaotic personal journey.

A documentary account ofAdrien Carat

Lectures from Cécile Ribault-Caillol et Aurélien Labruyère

Screenshots Listen later

Reading listen 3 min

Guest :

  • Arnaud Montebourg. Former minister and former deputy, he was the “appointed” lawyer responsible for defending Christian Didier. With Maître Thierry Lévy, he defended Christian Didier during his trial.

Documentary Sources:

Book :

  • Henri Ratymow « The man who killed René Bousquet » published by Stock in 2001

Presse :

  • the articles of Monde (1993 and 1995),Eric Inciyan who followed the case
  • the articles of Release (1993 and 1995), Sorj Chalandon who followed the case

Radio :


  • Francois BREUT The dance of shadows 2016

Sensitive matters Listen later

Reading listen 54 min

2024-02-20 20:09:43
#Christian #Didier #killed #René #Bousquet

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