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Chris Cornell’s widow and Soundgarden clash over their social media passwords

April 5, 2021 3:28 pm
Posted by Redacción –

Since we heard the news of the death of Chris Cornell Information has not ceased to arrive about the war that has been created between the rest of the members of Soundgarden and the widow of the former lead singer of the band.

The new chapter of this fight is centered on the band’s social networks. Cornell’s widow has accused Soundgarden members of wanting to access the band’s network accounts to direct their thousands of followers against her.

Last month Kim Thayil, Matt Cameron and Ben Shepherd with his manager Bit Venerus filed the claim in a Washington court assuring that Vicky Cornell had blocked his access to Soundgarden accounts at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Snapchat, Tumblr, TopSpin y Pinterest and to the band’s own official website, changing all the passwords.

In their claim, the band has requested that Vicky Cornell be ordered to hand over the passwords or include a post on each network stating: “Soundgarden has temporarily suspended its official accounts due to pending litigation.”

Recently, on Chris Cornell’s Instagram account, a story was shared in which the one who was the manager of the late vocalist, Ron Laffitte, claimed: “During the six years that I worked with Chris Cornell and Soundgarden, Chris and Vicky always controlled all of Soundgarden’s social media, directly or with personal representatives. at no point were other members of Soundgarden involved, either before or after Chris’s death. For this reason, Soundgarden’s attempt to seek a court order in relation to social media accounts is surprising to say the least. “

In the same account, a message from Vicky’s legal representatives could later be read: “Ms. Cornell created the social media accounts, grew the accounts allowing them to link to Chris’s popular accounts at the time, spent her time and money growing these accounts as Soundgarden showed no interest in them. , unless it was to promote his solo projects. Mrs. Cornell has overseen these accounts for almost a decade. The fact that Soundgarden has no knowledge of the usernames and passwords for what they claim to be “their own accounts” confirms their complete lack of involvement in the growth of their alleged accounts. “

The message continues: “Soundgarden only wants social media accounts to maliciously defame Mrs. Cornell, cause her to be harassed online (which Matt Cameron has continually done), and to instigate third parties to harass Mrs. Cornell and her children. Also, while they now claim on an urgent basis, Soundgarden’s claim is a repackaging of the claims they filed in Florida court in May 2020. ”

As reported by Billboard, the band ensures that the company Patriot Management She was in charge of Soundgarden’s social media and that they later learned that Patriot had turned over all login information to Vicky Cornell after the company was fired in 2019.


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