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Cholesterol Facts You Need To Know

TEMPO.CO, JakartaCholesterol commonly associated with overweight and various diseases. In fact, even people who are considered thin can have high cholesterol levels. Here are the facts about cholesterol, ranging from types to how to control it.


Ahli gizi asal India, Rujuta Diwekar, menjelaskan kolesterol tidak boleh disamakan dengan lemak. Kolesterol secara teknis dikenal sebagai lipoprotein dan terdiri dari lemak dan protein seperti namanya.

"Kolesterol dibagi menjadi tiga kategori, bahasa sehari-hari dikenal sebagai kolesterol baik, buruk, dan sangat buruk," ujar Diwekar, seperti dilansir dari NDTV.com.


Dia menjelaskan bahwa High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) merupakan kolesterol baik karena memiliki lebih banyak protein dan lebih sedikit lemak sehingga melindungi jantung. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), di sisi lain, memiliki lebih banyak lemak jika dibandingkan dengan HDL. Inilah mengapa LDL disebut kolesterol jahat.

However, he asked the public now to learn it is not as bad as imagined. The reason is, LDL has many roles, such as making hormones, synthesizing vitamin D, having antioxidant qualities, and helping create energy. Diwekar alluded to Very Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) which is known as very bad cholesterol because it has low protein levels.

He also talked about triglycerides, which experts say can be considered pure fat and add the lower the level, the better.

“For people battling unfavorable cholesterol levels, experts say the focus is on increasing HDL and reducing triglyceride and VLDL levels. When levels are haphazard, it can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes in the long term,” Diwekar said.

How to increase good cholesterol levels? He reminded the public to focus on the impact of food on cholesterol levels. According to him, natural fatty foods such as eggs, milk, and meat are nothing to worry about.

“If you eat an egg, eat it whole. If you are a meat eater, you can eat it three times a week and not every day,” he said.

He added there is no need to avoid peanuts, cashews, and coconut but should not combine them with alcohol. In addition, he says frying with air or air fryer not at all better than with oil.

“The important thing is the quantity,” said Diwekar. He said he had to use oil depending on the material it came from. With regard to other factors, he said exercise, smoking, alcohol, genetic factors, age, and gender also play a role in determining cholesterol levels.

A diet that ignores facts, carbohydrates, and long hours of fasting can be bad for cholesterol levels. Diwekar says avoiding packaged foods can help improve cholesterol levels. It’s also important to exercise at least three hours a week to stay active with a particular emphasis on strength training.

“Stress and lack of sleep are also the cause of heart and liver problems,” he said.

Also read: Find out the causes of high cholesterol and the series of symptoms

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