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Chocolate Day. The first tablet was produced almost 200 years ago


Avenue of Memory

Józef Ostrowski

zm. 03-10-2023


The last farewell. Farewell to the late. priest Prelate Dr. Roman Kneblewski. “He loved his homeland”

“His life was filled with love for God and the Church. When he spoke and when he was silent. He loved his homeland,” he said at the beginning of the funeral ceremony. priest Prelate Dr. Roman Adam Kneblewski, Bishop of Włocławek Krzysztof Wętkowski, course colleague of the priest who died on March 26.

all Internet user’s voice Election posters are being removed. “It’s a shame to leave such crap”

An Internet user contacted our editorial office and is outraged at how election banners are being removed. According to the man, there are elements holding the posters scattered on the sidewalks and lawns. An Internet user calls for them to be cleaned up.

all Announcements and messages Pesticide anthraquinone detected in tea. Warning for consumers

Public Food Alert#: Pesticide (anthraquinone) in a specific batch of Yunan black leaf tea

all Business Applications to the small ZUS. The deadline is tomorrow

There is little time left to report to the small ZUS plus. # The deadline is January 31. By this date, you must deregister from insurance with the current insurance title code and register with the code appropriate for the small ZUS plus: 05 90 or 05 92.

all We help “We have been saving for this house for years.” Help has started for the injured family

A fundraiser has started for a family from #Łochów who lost their house in a fire a few days ago.

all Worth knowing Much depends on our common sense. There are no safe cars

Ensuring road safety is a matter of #shared concern and commitment.

all Partner Materials Vegetarian box diets in Bydgoszcz: the most delicious meatless dishes

More and more people are moving away from meat-rich diets and opting for meals containing plant-based products. This is a beneficial solution for both the environment and the body. Check what the menu of the box diet that limits meat consumption looks like.

all Health Worker’s Day Wishes. We send you our best wishes

Today we celebrate World #Health and Health Worker Day. This is the perfect time to thank all the people who help the sick every day.

all Competitions District Review of Speech Therapy Poems. Diplomas were presented

On April 11, 2024, the District Review of Speech Therapy Poems “I know poems by heart, my mother’s speech is becoming more and more beautiful” was held at the Nakło Cultural Center # in Nakło nad Notecią.

all Culture / Entertainment About the sexuality of older people. Another lecture at the UTW in Nakło

On April 9, in the conference room of the #Nakielski Cultural Center, another lecture in the summer semester was organized as part of Universities of the Third Age. It was led by Piotr Czynsz, MD.

all Cook with us How to cook in spring to lose weight healthily? Lose excess weight

In spring, the stalls are filled with young, crisp vegetables and aromatic, juicy green herbs. Tired of the winter weather and a bit bored with the monotony of winter cuisine, we want to greedily eat all the available novelties. At the same time, we often have a few extra kilos to lose. Their excess may result, on the one hand, from an improper diet, but also – as research shows – from a lack of sufficient sunlight. Fortunately, in spring we have more and more of it, and thanks to young vegetables we have a chance to maintain a low-calorie diet with virtually no effort.

all Agriculture Applications for subsidies by May 15. Submissions submitted after the deadline will reduce the payment

Subsidies campaign 2024 – PLN 125,000 farmers have submitted # applications, changes to direct payments are planned


The Trade Quality Inspection of Agricultural and Food Products (IJHARS) carried out #scheduled inspections of honey at producers throughout the country. The inspections were carried out in the fourth quarter of 2023. Most irregularities were found in the case of honey labeling.

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This is already half of the training of the newly incorporated # Territorias in the 82nd light infantry battalion from Inowrocław. This is a very intensive element of basic training for soldiers, which will end with taking a ceremonial military oath on April 20 this year.

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On April 13, 1943, the whole world heard about the crime committed by the Soviets. On that day, the Germans announced the discovery of graves of Polish officers in the forest near Katyn. Three years earlier, in the spring of 1940, by decision of the highest authorities of the Soviet Union, nearly 22,000 were murdered. prisoners of war detained after the Red Army entered Poland in September 1939. Among them were soldiers of the Polish Army, professors, doctors, lawyers and engineers. In 2007, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland established April 13 as the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Katyn Massacre.

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When protecting ourselves from insects, we often use products to repel them. We can choose repellents in spray, liquid, milk, cream, gel or wipes.

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