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Chiang Mai extends the closing time of all service establishments to 31 | RYT9

Mr. Weeraphan De-on, Deputy Governor of Chiang Mai Province, said that the Chiang Mai Communicable Disease Control Committee Meeting No. 11/2021 ordered to extend the temporary closure of the premises. By closing the service location Establishments that look like pubs, karaoke bars everywhere in Chiang Mai Until January 31, 2021, due to the number of people infected with COVID-19. Or patients, including those in the high-risk and low-risk groups, are relatively large. It is therefore necessary to take time to detect infection. And preventive measures and control disease in a timely manner From the original closed for a period of 14 days from 6-19 January 2021

Mr. Songyos Khamchai, Head of the Communicable Disease Control Division Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office Mention the situation of COVID-19 in Chiang Mai Province (new wave) that COVID-19 cases were found. Two additional cases in Chiang Mai were home contacts of the 65th patient who reported yesterday with details as follows:

  • The 68th case of COVID-19 in Chiang Mai Province, 50-year-old Thai woman, a homemaker from Muang District, Chiang Mai Province, received treatment in a negative pressure separation room at Nakorn Ping Hospital Began to have a slight illness since 1 Jan 2021, but no history of exposure. Therefore did not go to test for COVID-19 And most of our daily life since the beginning of illness and treatment at their own home
  • The 69th COVID-19 patient in Chiang Mai A 67-year-old Taiwanese man who runs a private business, domiciled in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province, receives treatment in a negative pressure separation chamber at Nakhon Phing Hospital In the process of investigation

From the investigation, it was found that The family had joint activities on the night of 31 Dec ’20, now the disease investigation team is working to follow up on the exposed people. And expedite the investigation to summarize the timeline Along with finding the root of infection in these 3 patient groups, if conclusions can be presented further

For Chiang Mai, there are 23 cumulative cases (22 treatment, 1 return home), divided into 1 person from Rayong, 2 travelers from Chonburi, 10 warm-up shop outbreaks, outbreaks in 7 cases of Riverside shops, 3 outbreaks in families

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