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Charlie Hebdo puts cartoon of Erdogan on cover after getting caught …

French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has put a cartoon of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the cover of the issue that will be released on Wednesday. The print comes as a result of the confrontations between Erdogan and French President Macron.

The print shows Erdogan sitting in his armchair with a can in his hand, lifting the long robe of a veiled woman with his other hand. The woman’s buttocks can be seen, showing Erdogan ‘Ooh! The Prophet!’ says. Above the print it says ‘Erdogan, he is very pleasant in private’.

In recent days there have been some hard clashes between Erdogan and Macron. After the beheading of French history teacher Samuel Paty, who had shown some Charlie Hebdo cartoons of Mohammed to his class, Macron lashed out at “Islamist separatism.” Those statements were misguided in Ankara, and on Tuesday Erdogan called for a boycott of French products on the grounds that Macron was hostile to Islam.

In his responses, Macron had several times defended freedom of expression and the freedom to publish cartoons. In early September, Charlie Hebdo had republished his Mohammed cartoons, which are controversial in parts of the Muslim world.

Charlie Hebdo was the target of a bloody attack by Muslim extremists in 2015 that killed 12 people.

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