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Change: Powerful Health Tool! – Targatocn.it

How many times has it happened to you to have positive thoughts and good intentions towards situations that you wish to change, because they do not satisfy you or worse afflict you deeply? How many times have you promised yourself to do it but have not succeeded? I am reminded of Mrs. Michela who, for several years now, near the summer season, intends to take better care of her person, going on a diet or the young Luigi, newly hired in the factory, who at every paycheck, realizing to make it to the end of the month with difficulty, he promises himself every time not to spend too much time at the bar between coupons, machines and aperitifs or Mr. Giovanni, long-time manager who, every night unable to rest well due to his annoying reflux gastroesophageal, intends to decrease its load of appointments and daily commitments, because they are too stressful.

How many times has it happened to you to deeply desire a change in the workplace, family, relationship and to think about how to implement it? It is said that there are positive people who take life more lightly and negative people who bring bad luck on themselves, overwhelmed with problems and difficulties. But to what extent do luck and bad luck affect our life? On the other hand, how much can our thinking change our existence? Many philosophers argue that “we are what we think” and that it is important to educate one’s mind to think positively. This is the case of the philosophy of “Positive Thinking” that spread in the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century, whose fundamental paradigm was: “The cause of the discomfort is due to negative thinking”. Sure! Seeking the best, even in the most demanding situations, triggers positivity and optimism and certainly lightens the soul (the famous glass half empty or half full). In fact, a good frame of mind is able to greatly influence the outcome of our actions (try to think how much it can influence the outcome of a job interview, the fact of going with a positive and constructive attitude). Thus, educating our thinking can become a very powerful tool that we can use whenever life challenges us. We are thinking and therefore conscious beings. Kant himself stated that in the “I think” there is the supreme principle of knowledge.

The phrase “Cogito ergo sum” is famous, “I think therefore I am”, which is the formula with which Descartes expresses the indubitable certainty that man has of himself, as a thinking subject. There is no doubt. Thought creates, shapes and shapes our life. The reality we live is born and takes different folds in our mind and thought is a powerful energy, able, if used to the best, to activate a change. But thinking needs a balanced mind, able to manage and modulate emotions. In turn, the mind needs a tonic and well reactive brain being the “means” through which our mind coordinates and manages all bodily functions. But in my opinion positive thinking alone is not enough, because it is only the beginning of an “educational process” in which we must guide our mind. Indeed, those who stop at this first step risk being crushed by disappointments. It is useless to repeat ourselves to be in great shape, when the mirror reveals the unequivocal reality or to think that things will go well, waiting for someone to knock on our door perhaps offering us a safe job. No, “positive thinking” necessarily requires its re-elaboration into “propositional thinking”, as its dynamic and immanent aspect. That is to say: good intentions. The transition from just thinking about good purpose requires a transformation of thought into a real “project”, where the intention and the will for change are added to the positivity. In short, being positive and optimistic is important but not enough, because you need to be able to transform ideas into real intentions. But alas, even good intentions alone do not guarantee us the result.

No, because one more step needs to be taken: transforming our positive and proactive thoughts into “creative action”, full of enthusiasm, passion, determination and conviction. So, when we are faced with a situation that we would like to change, it is not enough to desire it but it is necessary to isolate and analyze the problem objectively: eg. “I’m overweight and I’ve been making fun of myself for years, I’ve always put off, finding a thousand excuses”; then we must identify the negative factor that determines our problem: eg. “Actually I eat badly, I don’t take care of my intestines, I take too many medicines and I do a job that does not reward me”. At this point we must activate positive thinking: eg. “It is true, in all these years I have acted recklessly but I am sure that, with the help of serious and prepared people, it is possible to change and improve my lifestyle”. Well, we are with the right mindset and thoughts, now we need to start transforming them into something tangible and therefore we must start thinking about how to plan our change, activating the “good intentions”: eg. “I call my sister and ask her for the number of that good doctor who was able to help her; I get advice from my friend Paola, herbalist, about natural food reading; I save some money to be able to afford a new quality of food; I want to work on my emotional component and I will get help “. Good intentions.

But now we need to take action: eg. “I just called that nutrition consultant I have heard so much about and made an appointment; Paola has sent me four very interesting titles on the email and from tonight I will start my new readings; today I went shopping with Simona and under her advice, I bought a few things, fresh and natural… and I spent much less than the other times; I talked to my husband, we finally made a constructive speech, he too agrees that I need psycho-emotional support and indeed he told me that he is proud of me! ”. Very good! So do you! Positive change is the most powerful health tool. Acting, creating, modifying, modulating… it’s life! The change improves self-esteem and stimulates healing which is never just physical but also psychic and spiritual healing. We must learn to “dynamize” our thoughts, concretizing them into healthy actions.

This constructive and non-destructive attitude of ours, characterized by good feelings, will produce powerful biochemical substances (hormones) within our organism, able to positively modulate our homeostasis, guaranteeing health. Remember that “what you believe determines what you are”, for this reason, only by changing your way of thinking and acting, you can change your life, trying to live it in the serenity that deserves to be lived! “Before thinking about changing the world, making revolutions, meditating on new constitutions, establishing a new order, first of all descend into your heart, let order, harmony and peace reign. Only afterwards, look for souls who resemble you and take action ”. (Plato)

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