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Challenges with the Jakarta Special Region Bill: PDI Perjuangan’s Perspective


PDI Perjuangan DPP Chairman Said Abdullah highlighted the text of the Jakarta Special Region Bill (DKJ) which stipulates that the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Jakarta Special Region (DKJ) are appointed and appointed by the President taking into account the proposals of the Jakarta DPRD.

According to him, this idea seems to be going backwards. The reason is, when it was still the National Capital, Jakarta was already practicing a good democratic process.

Even the Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub) has become a barometer of national democracy because of the growing critical participation of Jakarta residents, even though the Jakarta gubernatorial election was tarnished by the emergence of the politicization of religion in 2017.

“However, in general during the gubernatorial election, Jakarta is a barometer of national politics, a symbol of democracy. Many national figures were born from leadership in Jakarta such as Joko Widodo, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), we also used to know Bang Ali Sadikin, the Petisi 50 figure in the New Order era. “This good growing practice should not be withdrawn again like the dark ages, authoritarian times like the New Order era,” Said said in his statement, Thursday (7/12/2023).

Responding to this proposal, Said said that PDIP rejected the Governor and Deputy Governor of Jakarta being appointed by the president for four reasons. First, the specifics of Jakarta should not be the basis for the Governor and Deputy Governor of Jakarta to be elected by the President as head of government, because this has nothing to do with it.

“The formulation of Jakarta’s specialties must be translated as part of a region that holds the history of the struggle of the nation and state, as well as a region that is the center of business and financial activities on a national and international scale,” said Said.

Second, Jakarta’s special authority as outlined in the DKJ Draft Law, which is divided into authority for government and institutional affairs, does not fully describe Jakarta’s specialness regarding its role and position as a historical region in the struggle of the nation and state as well as the center of national and international scale business and financial areas.

“Even though the DKJ Bill regulates Jakarta’s special authority in detail, there are things that have not been included, such as the authority to manage the advancement of the nation’s history in Jakarta,” he added.

Third, Said assesses that the draft Draft Bill for the Special Region of Jakarta which is now a proposal for the DPR’s initiative is not in line with democratic principles.

“We do not agree with the proposal for the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Special Region of Jakarta to be appointed and appointed by the president taking into account the proposal of the Jakarta DPRD. Apart from being contrary to the principles of democracy, this proposal takes away the political rights of Jakarta residents,” he explained.

“Moreover, as the holder of government power in a special region, the Governor of Jakarta will have more authority than other autonomous regions. This great authority should comply with democratic principles. PDI Perjuangan is committed to maintaining and growing a well-developed democracy in Jakarta,” he continued.

Fourth, even though Jakarta’s status will no longer be the capital city, this does not mean that its leadership can be chosen by the president. According to Said, Jakarta’s leadership must also be carried out through general elections.

“Because its role as capital city has ended, and in order to be fair and congruent like other autonomous regions, the regents and mayors who govern districts and cities in the Jakarta area must also be elected through direct regional head elections, while also having a DPRD “City districts are also selected directly. So that they become autonomous regions, no longer part of the administrative region,” he concluded.


2023-12-07 00:39:48

#Abdullah #Reveals #Reasons #PDIP #Rejects #Governor #Jakarta #Appointed #President

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