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Ceo Vodafone: 5G as Vodafone offers in the Netherlands misleads consumers – Tablets and telephones – News

5G in the way that VodafoneZiggo offers in the Netherlands is not true 5G and misleads consumers and companies. That said Nick Read, director of the Vodafone Group, in an explanation of the quarterly figures.

Read zei in the notes to the quarterly figures (mp4) that the technology that VodafoneZiggo uses, Dynamic Spectrum Sharing, is not true 5G. “It’s effectively showing you a 5G symbol, but giving you 4G performance. What we said as a company is, we don’t want that, because it’s misleading for consumers and businesses. What you want is 5G built the right way. , with true 5G performance. “

With the combination of focus on the 3.5 GHz band and possibly the 700 MHz band, Read wants that it is “not about messages about range with an inferior network, but about a superior product.” By this Read means a network that works around the 3.5GHz band, possibly supplemented with the 700MHz band for better range.

In the Netherlands, VodafoneZiggo uses 5G at 1800MHz, where it shares frequency space with Vodafone’s own 4G network: this is called Dynamic Spectrum Sharing. VodafoneZiggo is the only Dutch provider that uses DSS. The 3.5 GHz band will not be available in the Netherlands until 2022, because only then is the auction. First, the satellite station in the Frisian Burum has to move to another location; it operates on the 3.5 GHz band and therefore for that entire frequency band in the northern half of the country, no other use is allowed.

Vodafone uses DSS in the Netherlands through joint venture VodafoneZiggo and Vodafone also uses it in Germany. In contrast to competitors KPN and T-Mobile, 5G does not work on Vodafone’s own 700MHz band, but only on the 1800MHz frequency, which also includes 4G. Tweakers has asked VodafoneZiggo for a response, but the provider has not yet responded. VodafoneZiggo activated 5G via DSS at the end of April.

Vodafone CEO Nick Read (top left) answers an analyst’s question (bottom right) about the development of 5G at Vodafone

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