Home » today » Entertainment » Celebrity News: The other Ernest Pérez-Mas, founder of the Catalan operator Parlem: vineyards and travel

Celebrity News: The other Ernest Pérez-Mas, founder of the Catalan operator Parlem: vineyards and travel

The one of Ernest Perez-Mas It is a name that has gradually permeated the Catalan business fabric. Until this week, when his phone, Parlem, went public, on the BME, and on its first day won 26%. Pérez-Mas had been in the telecommunications sector in Spain for a long time and a few years ago he decided to create the Catalan operator, pro-independence dyes, a triumph that he wants to expand to other regions, such as Valencia.

And as Parlem grows, so do other of his businesses, like wine. Almost 10 years ago, on a visit to Pla de Manlleu, Tarragona, this businessman saw a piece of land that he fell in love with. With his wife, also a businesswoman Pilar FontanaThey decided to buy it and for that they made some sacrifice.

He himself has told about it in an interview, they sold the apartment in which they lived and where they had raised their three children, they went for rent and with the money from the operation they bought seven hectares of vineyards where they make a wine that is sold under the Heretat Mascorrubí brand. In 2012 he had founded Parlem and needed financial support for his vineyards. The origins of the Mascorrubí Estate are found in the old commission of the Order of the Temple of the Celma castle founded in the 12th century.

Grandparents of the Penedés

Although Pérez-Mas has always lived in Barcelona, ​​where he was born, he comes from a wine family. His grandparents were from Penedés and he remembers his childhood among vineyards. His hobby also arises from many trips who has made the marriage, journeys in which wine has always been of great importance and tastings were mixed with visits to monuments and good restaurants.

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P. Left

Pérez-Mas founded the wine company in December 2020 as a sole proprietorship and has not yet presented accounts, but, according to it, the idea is going from strength to strength. Although it has been making wine since 2016, a year after buying the vineyards, it has not created a company for this purpose until the business has gained momentum. They sell six different wines, including reds, whites and rosés, and they hope to be able to expand their business shortly with new wine incorporations. One of his wines, Extincta Vitis, of the sumoll blanc variety, was awarded 93 points for ‘Wine Spectator’, one of the most prestigious scales in the world.

This entrepreneur, who started repairing computers In L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, he has made a name for himself little by little, from company to company, where he has been able to apply his studies at La Salle, Esade and Iese. Studies that, by the way, he combined with another unknown facet: that of rugby player.

Millionaire company

It will be difficult, however, for your winery’s numbers to match those of Parlem, your operator, of which he is founder and president, a company that registered sales of 18.7 million of euros in the last financial year, 2020. They also have a little more than six million assets. In 2018, it attracted 510 new partners via crowdfunding with a capital increase of 2.2 million euros, a figure that represents 28.4% of Parlem’s shareholders.

In addition, they have other capitalist partners, such as Inveready and Ona Capital, the investment fund of the Carandell family and Font brothers, owners of supermarket chains Good Price, famous for their independence activism. In June 2019, Parlem became a public limited company, with the aim of going public, as it has done this June. Pérez-Mas has 20% of the business.

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Jorge C. Parcero

However, he assures that his company is not pro-independence, because companies are not political. In an interview in the newspaper ‘Ara’, he said that he founded Parlem after the great demonstration in favor of the ‘procés’ in the Diada of 2012, on September 11. “I had the intuition that if Catalonia represents 20% of Spanish GDP, concentrates 15% of its population and has a very diversified economy, it did not make sense that in the telecommunications market it is managed, 99%, by three companies with headquarters on Madrid, Paris and London ”.

For this reason, he decided to found a company that had well-known faces such as Joel Joan in the beginning, because “a Catalan company was needed to absorb the impressive volume generated in this market and to act as both a backbone and an umbrella. from other firms in the sector ”. The aforementioned actor was one of the first to appear in the Parlem ads, just like him controversial Toni Alba. The first call that was carried out with this operator was made by Xavier Trias, then mayor of Barcelona.

Now, with his professional life consolidated after having mounted several adventures that failed (and one that succeeded but preferred to sell), he takes advantage of the little free time that his companies leave him to enjoy the sail skate in Coma-ruga, where he summers. And yes, also to take a trip.

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