Home » today » Entertainment » Celebrities shine at the MMC show: “feathered” Katarzyna Warnke, “sequin” Edyta Herbuś, naughty Joanna Horodyńska … (PHOTOS)

Celebrities shine at the MMC show: “feathered” Katarzyna Warnke, “sequin” Edyta Herbuś, naughty Joanna Horodyńska … (PHOTOS)

After an almost two-year hiatus, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, show business is slowly coming back to life. This is a real reason to be happy for many party-hungry salon-goers who finally have the opportunity to with impunity promoting itself on the walls. A great occasion for this was the Thursday presentation of the collection of the MMC fashion duo, which took place in Warsaw.

Among the guests was, among others Lara Gesslerwho will soon welcome a second child to the world. The expectant mother for the red carpet decided to wear a long green dress with slightly more voluminous sleeves and airy hem.

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In addition to her, a few more famous fashion enthusiasts showed up at the party. Through the wall appeared: Katarzyna Warnke, Joanna Horodyńska, Edyta Herbuś, Ada Fijał, Gabi Drzewiecka i Marta Gąska.

Warnke was of particular interest to photographers. The actress dressed up in a flashy green top with ostrich feathers and simple black pants. The self-proclaimed trendsetter Horodyńska opted for a simple black dress and a matching jacket. The eyes were drawn to the original boots with a pointed toe.

Which of the celebrities did you think presented the best?

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