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Causes and Management of Stomach Pain After Eating Fruits

I wrote – Omnia Qalawun:

Eating fruits protects against serious diseases such as heart attacks and strokes, but despite their wonderful benefits, some people feel stomach pain immediately after eating them.. Why?

In the next report, The Consulto reviews a list of the causes of stomach pain after eating fruits and ways to deal with it, according to the “livestrong” website.

Causes of stomach pain after eating fruits


Some people have difficulty digesting fructose, which is one of the natural sugars found in fruits, fruit juices, some vegetables and honey. However, fructose is not properly absorbed by the digestive system in some people, which leads to abdominal pain, diarrhea and gas.

Also read: It is found in fruits .. Does fructose sugar harm the health of the body?

2- Excessive intake of fiber

Dietary fiber plays a major role in intestinal health, which helps relieve constipation, as well as the prevention of chronic diseases, but some types of fruits contain large amounts of fiber, which in excess leads to flatulence and stomach pain, most notably These fruits are the following:



Apple with peel.

-the banana.

-the strawberry.


3- Food allergy

Some people suffer from food intolerance or sensitivity to difficult digestion of certain ingredients. Signs of food intolerance include these symptoms: diarrhea, gas, bloating, headache or migraine, nausea, upset stomach and heartburn.

Also read: 7 summer fruits that your child is allergic to


Acid leaks from the stomach into the esophagus after eating fruits, especially citrus fruits such as pineapples and oranges, causing the following symptoms:


– rebound

Feeling of food stuck in the throat.



-Difficulty swallowing.


Sore throat and hoarseness of voice.

You may be interested in: Flatulence after eating fruits – how to overcome it? “Video graphic”

Ways to deal with stomach pain after eating fruits

Following some tips may help reduce the chances of experiencing abdominal pain after eating fruits, and these methods are as follows:

Replace high fructose fruits with low fructose fruits such as bananas and avocados.

Reducing the intake of dietary fiber, as the body of women needs 22 to 28 grams per day of fiber, while men ate an amount of fiber up to 28 to 34 grams per day.

Avoid foods that cause food allergies.

Avoid eating citrus fruits such as lemon, tomato, orange and pineapple, as they increase stomach acid.

Also read: A nutritionist warns against overeating these winter fruits

2023-07-16 11:24:41

#suffer #stomach #pain #eating #fruits

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