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Card. Parolin on John Paul I’s instructing of peace – Vatican News

Cardinal Parolin, Secretary of Point out of the Holy See, gave an interview to the Italian journalist Ingello on the teachings of John Paul I on peace and the current war in Ukraine.

(Vatican Information Network)In check out of the beatification of Pope John Paul I on 4 September, Cardinal Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See, was interviewed by the Italian journalist Ignazio Ingrao on the feelings of the very first Pope on peace. Instructions and fears of the Secretary of Point out of the Holy See on the ongoing war in Ukraine.

In this interview, Cardinal Parolin commences by quoting the speech of John Paul I when he blessed the town of Rome and the planet for the initial time: “Please encourage all initiatives that can defend and encourage peace in a troubled environment” . Paro Card Lin reported: “This concern and issue for peace was at the heart of John Paul I’s brief-lived papal ministry and was notably related to the functions of Camp David, the search for a marriage in between Jews and Palestinians, concerning Israel and Palestine. peace “.

The Secretariat of Condition of the Holy See continued by outlining: “In that period of time Pope Luciani took some initiatives, especially for the duration of the Angelus prayer on 10 September 1978, the Pope referred to what took place at Camp David, in distinct the tutorial of the actuality that men and women question for prayer: in this way individuals not only get the job done, but also entrust the undertaking of creating peace to the Lord.This is a person of the excellent meanings of the pastoral ministry of Pope Luciani, who in the latest days also spoke to the numerous diplomatic missions at the Holy See, the Church has no concrete methods to propose, but has a spirit that can be communicated and inspired to resolve the great problems of modern earth “.

At this time, the war in Ukraine has introduced terrific suffering to the persons. The journalist Ingello asked Cardinal Parolin how he, in his ability as Secretary of Point out of the Holy See, sees what is going on. The cardinal replied: “I am really concerned when I see this, because this war has been going on for a lengthy time. Six months following the outbreak of the conflict, the dread of this war continues: the most current announcement from the Holy See is expressed in extremely sturdy adjectives. , which I believe also reflect my personal placement and all the positions and sentiments of the Holy See, led by the Pope. The reality that is specially stressing is that there is no eyesight and probability of a negotiated resolution. the condition is for us specifically worrying and worrying, we are constantly completely ready to assistance, not closing the doorway on everyone, but striving to give absolutely everyone involved and the protagonists the opportunity to be in the neutral zone. Camp David agreement, to request a “just and in depth answer.” In other words, a just resolution that satisfies everyone’s requirements. This issue is hard to do , it is a bit like ‘turning a circle into a square’, but at least there is tension. A world resolution implies solving all issues so as not to get ready the ground for new troubles and new conflicts “.

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