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Car tax, the hidden detail that can trigger the blow

The debts of a deceased relative also include the stamp of the possibly unpaid car, which is why this item too can be added to those included in an inheritance succession.

At the moment of death, in fact, the wholeheredity, including assets and debts, is transmitted to a relative chosen explicitly through a will or following the lines drawn by the law (ranging from the spouse, up to the children and possibly other relatives up to the sixth degree). Anyone who is the recipient of a hereditary succession will therefore have to bear any debts imposed on a vehicle belonging to the deceased relative, taking charge, for example, simply also of pay the car tax within the expected expiration date.

In the event that the heirs are more numerous, each of them will be required to pay a part of the total sum that corresponds to the distribution provided for by the inheritance itself. This is a situation that obviously does not arise when we are talking about a single heir, both in the case in which the role is invested directly by the will and if it is according to the law as the sole recipient of the deceased’s assets. By becoming, in fact, the sole owner of the car, he will at the same time also be the debtor of the entire amount to be paid.

New owner, of course, it also means having to take care of the documentation necessary to certify the change in the title of the vehicle. The heir, therefore, must complete all the bureaucratic procedures, starting from that of the transfer of ownership, whose registration must be carried out at the Public Motor Registry (Pra). After a necessary authentication of the signature of the heir (or heirs), there will be 60 days available to register the passage in the provincial office of Aci Pra or the civil motorization.

The only situation in which the heir can avoid paying the tax for an inherited car occurs in the event that this has fallen into prescription, or if at least 3 years have passed since 1 January of the following year in which the payment of the stamp duty should have been paid.

Obviously, it is also possible to do so by renouncing the inheritance of the vehicle, the ownership of which in this case passes by right to the State.

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