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Candle flame durability to win | eDruva

A moment of silence and strength. The family of Vecpiebalga secondary school and the people of the parish put candles in the Wall of Light – in memory of those who died in the war in Ukraine and the endurance of soldiers on the battlefield.Photo: from the album

During the First World War, Karlis Skalbe wrote about German savagery: “Everything is allowed, and their mind with all the weapons of science and technology, like a good executioner armed with its nooses and hooks, is ready for everything. How can a nation, which has been able to create so much in art and science, sink into barbarism? (..) a great (..) crime against peaceful inhabitants, against wives and children (..) should have taken place, so that the entire cultural world would burst out from the chest with a cry of pain and annoyance (..)” In a moment of silence, recalling these words of the poet, the Vecpiebalga museum women Ilona Muižniece and Līva Grudule emphasized that “it is deeply tragic to realize that after more than a hundred years we can fully apply these words to those who have been ruining Ukraine and destroying the nation for a whole year”.

Old supporters with burning candles near the former parish school thought of the Wall of Light as being with Ukraine in its war against the aggressor. In the silence, the song “Gaismu saucam” sung by high school girls by U. Marhilevich was heard.

L. Grudule told about a letter she received on social media from a Ukrainian soldier. He lost a friend at the front, experiences attacks every day, but in a letter to an unknown Latvian woman he thanks for the support provided by Latvia.

“Ukraine is fighting for its freedom. May the flames of our candles give strength and endurance to win. Let only Ukrainian flags fly in Ukraine,” these were the thoughts and wishes expressed by everyone.

The wall of light has become a place for seniors to agree on their thoughts and remind them of them.

It was created by the school family last fall. “The place where we can put candles on important occasions,” says director Ilona Strelkova. In a moment of silence, Zigrīda Ruicēna, head of the House of Culture, proposed to meet at the Wall of Light. The director reminds that the parochial school was once called the white school. Here the residents gained knowledge that guided them like a light in life. This is how the idea was born that there would be a place for the Wall of Light near the old school building. On Lāčplēš Day, Latvia’s birthday, the White Tablecloth Festival, and also during commemorative events, burning candles here show the attitude of the veterans.

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