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Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s Plane Breaks Down in India: Forced to Stay Longer at G20 Summit

CNN Indonesia

Monday, 11 Sep 2023 03:51 IWST

The plane scheduled to transport Canadian PM Justin Trudeau broke down, he and his delegation were forced to stay longer in India after attending the G20 Summit. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press via AP)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and all the delegates were forced to stay longer in New Delhi, India because their plane broke down.

Trudeau arrived in India to attend the G20 Summit on Friday (8/9) and is planned to return to Canada on Sunday (11/9). Before his scheduled return, Trudeau laid a wreath at the memorial of Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi.

The plane’s mechanical failure canceled Trudeau’s scheduled departure from India. The Royal Canadian Air Force, which operates the plane, told the delegation it was ‘experiencing technical difficulties’.

“These problems cannot be fixed overnight, our delegation will stay in India until alternative arrangements can be made,” said the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi, reported AFP.

The plane Trudeau was traveling in was identified as an Airbus. This is not the first problem the plane has experienced and so far it is not clear when it will be operational.

Trudeau’s presence is no more a priority than other G7 countries. His visit comes amid tensions between his government and hosts India over Ottawa’s handling of right-wing Sikh separatists.

India accuses Canada of turning a blind eye to the activities of radical Sikh nationalist groups seeking a separate Homeland in northern India.


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2023-09-10 20:51:25
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