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Can stress cause itching and rashes?

ThePrase.id – Everyone can feel stressed for various reasons, be it due to work, domestic problems or other problems. Stress can actually cause itching and rashes. Several things can trigger the appearance of itching and redness of the skin due to stress, here is an explanation.

Some people who have skin disorders, such as psoriasis, eczema, and hives (hives), will experience itchy symptoms that are more severe when they are stressed.

According to a study by Euroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, there is a link between itchy conditions and levels of stress, anxiety, and other mood disorders. So the higher levels of stress and anxiety will trigger more severe itching, especially in people who have skin disorders, can make the condition worse.

Stress illustration. (Photo: Unsplash / Elisa Ventur)

This happens because when under stress, the brain will release stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol as the body’s reaction to defend itself against threats.

In addition there are also other effects on the body such as muscle tension, increased heart rate, rapid breathing and increased blood pressure. The itchy reaction on the skin is also caused by the numerous nerve endings that are connected to the skin. So when the brain’s central nervous system detects stress, the skin also reacts.

Not only that, one thing that triggers itching is when the brain triggers excessive sweat production when it feels stressed.

Like when in a hot, humid environment with poor air circulation, sweat is trapped on the skin and cannot evaporate. This causes the so-called tingling heat itching in the neck, shoulders, chest, areas around the folds of the body and groin.


For those who often feel itchy when stressed, this can be a sign of neurodermatitis. This condition can appear on any part of the body such as the face and head, forearms, wrists, back of the thighs, groin and buttocks.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, stress, anxiety, and worry are things that trigger intense itching. So when you scratch it, the skin becomes dry, rough, scaly, reddish, bleeds and becomes infected.

On the other hand, itching disappears when you relax, sleep or when you are able to cope with the stress you are experiencing. But there are some people who have a habit of scratching without realizing it even if the stress is less and the skin is not itchy. This is called the psychogenic itch condition.

How to deal with stress itching

There are several things you can do to deal with stress-induced itching.

  1. Don’t scratch the itchy skin area.
  2. Keep your nails short so the skin doesn’t hurt when you scratch.
  3. Compress with a cool, damp cloth to soothe inflamed skin.
  4. Take a hot bath and avoid colored or scented soaps.
  5. Avoid jewelry, perfumes, skin products, cosmetics, or cleansers that contain fragrances.
  6. Use a moisturizer or apply an anti-itch ointment.
  7. Apply a corticosteroid cream to calm inflammation by consulting a doctor if a higher dose is needed. [Syifaa]

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