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Can Pregnant Mother Eat Dragon Fruit? Page all

KOMPAS.com – A healthy diet during pregnancy can support the health of the mother and fetus in the womb.

Generally, a variety of fruits and vegetables are good foods for pregnant women.

Launch Live Strong, the benefits of eating fruit for pregnant women can provide the supply of vitamins and minerals the body needs.

Of the various types of fruit, some pregnant women commonly question, “Eat dragon fruit for pregnant women and young pregnant women, can I?”

Before answering these questions, it helps you know the nutrition of dragon fruit.

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Dragon fruit nutrition

Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit with white, red, and black edible seeds.

Launch Mom Junction, dragon fruit is a low calorie intake that is free of cholesterol and fat.

According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), eating one serving or 100 grams of dragon fruit can provide the following nutrients:

  • 264 kcal calories
  • Carbohydrates 82.1 grams
  • 1.8 milligram fiber
  • Calcium 107 milligrams
  • Vitamin C 6.4 milligrams

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Eat dragon fruit for pregnant women, can you?

Dragon fruit is one of the myths of abstinence during pregnancy.

In fact, dragon fruit contains natural sugars, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, and vitamin C which are good for the body, including pregnant women.

Basically, pregnant women can eat dragon fruit, as long as the amount is not excessive.

A medium sized dragon fruit can weigh 350 grams to 400 grams.

Ideally, pregnant women without accompanying health problems should consume 200 grams of fruit a day.

So, if you want to eat dragon fruit, just half the fruit.

Given the different conditions of pregnant women, to be more secure with the recommended portion of dragon fruit, it is better for pregnant women to consult a doctor.

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photo" data-photolink="http://health.kompas.com/image/2020/06/28/073300968/bolehkah-ibu-hamil-makan-buah-naga-?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px "> Illustration..-Nutrients contained in dragon fruit can support a healthy pregnancy.

Some of the potential benefits of dragon fruit for pregnant women include:

  1. Consumption of red dragon fruit can increase levels of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in pregnant women. Pregnant women can avoid anemia.
  2. The fiber content in dragon fruit can help overcome constipation in pregnant women. In addition, eating fibrous intake can also get rid of toxins and maintain digestive health.
  3. Red dragon fruit antioxidants can protect pregnant women from free radicals, especially from cigarette smoke. Exposure to cigarette smoke in pregnant women can increase the risk of babies born with low weights.

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Eating dragon fruit for pregnant women is generally safe and does not cause allergic reactions.

Pregnant women can eat dragon fruit that has been peeled and cleaned. Or, it can also be used for juice or ingredients smoothie.

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