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CAMe suspends ozone contingency within the Valley of Mexico

The Environmental Fee of the Megalopolis suspended the eighth contingency for ozone within the Valley of Mexico this afternoon, after the concentrations of the pollutant have been decrease than what’s required for prevention measures to take impact since atmospheric circumstances improved for the dispersion of pollution.

Within the 3:00 p.m. report, Got here defined that the hourly ozone concentrations have been decrease than these established by the Program, which is why it was determined to finish the contingency.

He indicated that the Mexico Metropolis Air High quality Monitoring System reported that in the previous few hours the excessive stress system misplaced depth, permitting a rise in wind velocity within the center layers of the environment, in addition to the presence of larger quantity of humidity within the Valley of Mexico.

The Environmental Fee of the Megalopolis suspended the eighth contingency for ozone within the Valley of Mexico this afternoon, after the concentrations of the pollutant have been decrease than what’s required for prevention measures to take impact since atmospheric circumstances improved for the dispersion of contaminants.

Within the 3:00 p.m. report, Got here defined that the hourly ozone concentrations have been decrease than these established by the Program, which is why it was determined to finish the contingency.

He indicated that the Mexico Metropolis Air High quality Monitoring System reported that in the previous few hours the excessive stress system misplaced depth, permitting a rise in wind velocity within the center layers of the environment, in addition to the presence of larger quantity of humidity within the Valley of Mexico.

#suspends #ozone #contingency #Valley #Mexico
– 2024-05-23 13:42:36

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