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Calciomercato Lazio, Lotito expects a response from Sarri tomorrow afternoon

Maurizio Sarri ©️Getty Images

Calciomercato Lazio, second round of negotiations between Ramadani and Lotito: the goal is to have the definitive answer tomorrow

Maurizio Often increasingly first name for the bench of the Lazio. After the first summit which took place in the morning, a second round of negotiations is underway between Fali Ramadani and the Capitoline leadership. According to what has been collected by Calciomercato.it, the developments could also arrive late in the evening and we are trying to file the issues, both from the contractual point of view and from the point of view of the technical project. Because Sarri would like to reach the threshold of 3 million euros and also there would be the need to preserve the best players of the team as well as make investments for the technical project. To follow and interact LIVE on the latest from Calciomercato SUBSCRIBE to the YOUTUBE channel!

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The negotiation continues, with Ramadani carrying out all the requests of the Tuscan technician, who explained to Lotito and to his agent all his wishes. Lotito and Ramadani are trying to close the distances as much as possible. Lazio are willing to work all night to make sure that they have the definitive answer in the lunch that will take place tomorrow between Sarri and Ramadani.

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