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Cabeza de Vaca, Report climate

Azahel Jaramillo H.

Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas.- Governor Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca presents his Fifth Government Report this Monday. And it does so in the midst of an environment that has three peculiarities: we are in the electoral period to renew the 43 mayoralties, the State Congress and the Chamber of Deputies; We are in the middle of a great health crisis, Covid-19, from which we already see the exit door for the application of vaccines; and we are in the middle of three accusations that the government of the Fourth Transformation makes against our Governor.

The Attorney General’s Office, headed by Alejandro Gertz Manero, 81, accuses the Governor of three crimes: organized crime, money laundering and tax fraud. There are three crimes. It seems that the Prosecutor’s Office will not give him truce: He wants to undo it. If it is not for one crime, it will be for another, or else for another. Am I going well or am I going back? It is also believed that they will do what the Wind did to Juarez.

Who is Alejandro Gertz? Well, he is a very skilled lawyer. He managed to place himself in very important positions in the governments, in the capital, of Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas of the PRD; President Vicente Fox, of the PAN; and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, from Morena. And it is clear to us that what are Cárdenas, Fox and Obrador do not get along at all. If anything, there is some tolerance from Cárdenas for both Fox and Obrador. But just as you say, a little bit, well, rather … a little bit. But Alejandro Gertz managed to click … at the time … with each of the three in the best moment of power of these three historical characters.

Who is Francisco Cabeza de Vaca? He came to the governorship with 630 thousand 513 votes in his favor.

As a candidate, Expansión magazine published a profile and interview with Sergio Rincón in 2016: “On September 17, 1967, three days before Hurricane Beulah hit Reynosa, Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca was born. It was Sunday and by then people were getting ready for destruction. “

And he adds: “Winds of up to 180 kilometers per hour tore away roofs, trees and livestock, the newspapers reported. The streets were flooded, others were left in a quagmire and in rural areas Army helicopters helped people ”.

“Human losses, material damage, chaos, businesses closed, emergency and the Army in the streets, so were the first days of the current candidate for the PAN to the governorship of Tamaulipas.”

“From a distance (we are talking about five years ago, more or less) today the situation is similar throughout the state, but not because of a natural phenomenon, but because of the violence generated by organized crime groups that operate in the condition”.

Cabeza de Vaca assured Expansión that he is ready to face drug trafficking, which he says has left many displaced families, abandoned ranches and sources of work alone as a result of the handover of the state that the PRI governments have made to organized crime.

«(The one that today) Tamaulipas occupies the not honorable first place in kidnappings, extortions, fuel theft and disappearances, is not the product of chance, it is the product of the irresponsibility (…) of a government that (…) handed over Tamaulipas to the organized crime”.

The PAN flag bearer says he knows what he is facing: 763 people murdered just last year (2015) and 327 kidnapped, a crime in which Tamaulipas occupies the first national place according to official figures.

“I know what I am facing, I know the serious problems, complicity and corruption, mismanagement and criminal groups, I know it and I have prepared for it,” he highlights.

Cabeza de Vaca says he is convinced that to regain the rule of law one must work with civil society, but he also claims to have another weapon: his good relationship with the armed forces and with the United States. And thus, he says that the attorney will cease to be the governor’s compadre, so his appointment and that of the secretary of public security will be chosen by society, and with the endorsement of the United States. “

“Even if they criticize me, I don’t care. Sovereignty was lost by the narco-governors when they gave themselves up to crime. What I want is the endorsement of my neighbors, because I want to work hand in hand with them and work hand in hand with the armed forces. In the meantime, we will have reliable police officers, who percent, I am not going to train them in the State of Mexico, I am going to train them in the United States ”.

While he talks about his plan to regain the rule of law in Tamaulipas, his hands move from side to side and he even taps the table or touches the hands or shoulders of his interviewers, as if not wanting to lose attention. That’s how it read in Expansión. TO TAKE CARE.

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