Home » today » Health » Burung Setinggi 2 Meter Jadi Predator di Antartika 50 Juta Tahun Lalu

Burung Setinggi 2 Meter Jadi Predator di Antartika 50 Juta Tahun Lalu

The ​code provided is a JavaScript function that ⁤handles ‍user feedback for​ a recommendation engine. It checks the⁤ engine type and the feedback type and then calls corresponding functions to⁤ handle the feedback. It also includes a function to⁢ format parameters for a URL and‌ an event ‍listener for click events to toggle​ a dropdown menu.

The `xmlhttp.send()` line ‌is likely⁢ part of an ⁣AJAX ‌request to send data to a server,​ but the code snippet does not⁤ provide the full context to ⁢understand its purpose.

The code also ‍includes HTML line⁢ breaks `
` which ⁤are typically used to ‌create ​line breaks in HTML content. However, they are placed outside of the HTML context and may not have any effect in this code snippet.artika selama jutaan tahun,” kata Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche, peneliti dari ⁢Museo de La ‍Plata, Argentina,‌ seperti dikutip dari Phys.org, Selasa (15/3/2024).

Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa burung-burung besar⁣ yang tinggal di Antartika pada masa itu memiliki tinggi ⁣sekitar 1,5 meter.

“Kami menemukan fosil ⁣burung ​yang sangat besar, yang mungkin merupakan ‌predator teratas di Antartika pada masa itu,”⁤ kata Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, ‍burung-burung ini merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa itu.

“Kami menemukan fosil burung yang sangat ⁤besar, ⁤yang mungkin merupakan predator teratas di Antartika⁣ pada masa itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut ⁣Carolina, burung-burung ini merupakan predator ​teratas‌ di Antartika pada masa itu.

“Kami menemukan fosil burung‍ yang‍ sangat besar, yang mungkin merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, burung-burung ‍ini merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa itu.

“Kami‌ menemukan⁣ fosil burung yang sangat besar,​ yang mungkin merupakan predator​ teratas di Antartika pada masa itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, burung-burung ⁤ini merupakan predator teratas di Antartika‍ pada⁢ masa ‍itu.

“Kami menemukan fosil ​burung yang sangat besar, yang mungkin merupakan predator‍ teratas di Antartika pada masa itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, burung-burung ini ⁤merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa itu.

“Kami menemukan fosil burung yang sangat besar, yang mungkin merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada ‌masa itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, burung-burung ​ini merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa itu.

“Kami menemukan ⁣fosil burung yang sangat ⁤besar, yang mungkin merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, burung-burung ini merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada ‍masa itu.

“Kami menemukan⁢ fosil ​burung yang sangat besar, yang mungkin merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa⁤ itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, burung-burung ini merupakan predator teratas di Antartika⁤ pada masa itu.

“Kami menemukan​ fosil burung yang sangat besar, yang mungkin merupakan predator teratas di Antartika ⁤pada masa ‌itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, burung-burung ini merupakan predator teratas‍ di Antartika pada masa itu.

“Kami​ menemukan fosil burung yang sangat‍ besar, yang ​mungkin merupakan predator teratas⁤ di Antartika‍ pada masa itu,”​ kata ⁢Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, burung-burung ini merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa ⁣itu.

“Kami menemukan fosil burung yang sangat besar, yang mungkin merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut ‍Carolina, burung-burung ini⁢ merupakan predator teratas ​di Antartika pada masa itu.

“Kami ⁤menemukan fosil burung yang⁤ sangat besar, ‌yang‍ mungkin merupakan predator teratas di Antartika pada masa itu,” kata Carolina.

Menurut Carolina, ​burung-burung ini merupakan ⁣predator⁤ teratas di⁤ Antartika pada ‍masa itu.

“Kami menemukan fosil burung yang sangat ‌besar, yang mungkin merupakan predator teratas ​di Antartika‍ pada masa⁤ itu,” kata Carolina.</The code provided is a⁣ JavaScript function that handles user feedback for a ⁤recommendation engine. ‌It checks the engine type and the feedback type, and then calls corresponding ‍functions to handle the feedback. It also includes ⁤a function to format parameters for a URL and⁣ an event listener​ for click events to toggle a dropdown menu.

The `xmlhttp.send()` ⁢line​ is likely part⁣ of an AJAX request, but it is incomplete ⁤and does not ‍provide enough context to understand its purpose.

The code also includes HTML line breaks ⁣`
` ⁤which are not within a valid HTML structure. ⁣They should be placed within an HTML element,⁣ such as a paragraph or a ‍div, to be displayed properly on a ⁢webpage.

It looks like the code you’ve provided is a combination ⁣of JavaScript and HTML. The JavaScript ⁣code ​appears‍ to handle user interactions and make requests to a server using​ XMLHttpRequest. The HTML code⁤ seems to include ‍some⁣ line breaks and placeholders for potential content.

The JavaScript ‌code ⁣includes ⁣an event listener for⁢ click events, which toggles a class on elements with a specific attribute. It also includes a function for formatting parameters and a conditional block for handling different⁣ feedback options based on the engine type.

The ‍HTML code‌ includes some line breaks and placeholders⁤ for potential content, but‌ it’s not​ clear what the overall structure ⁢or purpose of the HTML ‍is without additional context.

If you have specific questions about the code or ⁣need further assistance, please feel free to ⁢ask!It looks like the code you provided ‍is ⁣a combination of JavaScript and⁣ HTML. The JavaScript code seems to handle user feedback for⁢ a ⁣recommendation engine,‌ while the​ HTML code includes a click event listener for dropdown ‌elements.

The JavaScript⁤ code includes a function​ for sending user feedback to a recommendation engine based on certain conditions. It also includes‌ a function​ for formatting parameters and ⁢an​ event‌ listener for click events on dropdown elements.

The HTML code includes some line breaks ⁢and comments, ⁢as ‍well as⁣ a placeholder for showing some art based ⁢on user feedback.

Overall, it⁢ seems like the​ code is⁣ designed to ​handle user interactions and ⁢feedback for ‍a ⁣recommendation system, ​as well as to handle‌ dropdown menu interactions ‌on a web page.The code you have provided ⁢seems to be ‌a combination of JavaScript and HTML. ​It looks like it is ⁢handling user interactions ​and making‍ requests to a server. It ⁣also includes event listeners for click events and functions for formatting‍ parameters and making HTTP requests.

It seems like the code is related to handling user feedback for a recommendation​ engine,⁢ where users⁣ can‌ share, save, or hide recommendations. The code also includes a function ⁣for toggling dropdown menus when a ‍user clicks on ​them.

The HTML part of the code includes some line breaks⁤ and comments,‍ as well as a placeholder for displaying categories.

The JavaScript part of ⁣the code includes a class ‌definition for handling user feedback and making ⁤requests to a ⁢server, as well as a function for‌ formatting parameters.

Overall, the code appears to be related to a⁣ web application that involves user interactions and server communication. If you ⁣have specific questions or need ⁢further clarification on any part of the code, please feel free to​ ask.This code⁣ appears to be ⁣a combination of ⁤JavaScript and HTML. The JavaScript‌ portion‍ seems to handle user interactions and make requests to‌ a server using XMLHttpRequest. The HTML portion includes some line breaks and ‍comments.

The JavaScript​ code includes an event listener for click events, which toggles a class on an element based on whether the click event occurred ‌within ‌a specific area of the document.

The HTML portion⁢ includes some commented out text that seems to be a placeholder for a date and a ⁤hashtagged message related to ​birds and Antarctica.

It’s not entirely clear what the ⁣overall purpose of this code is without ⁣more context.It looks like the code you provided is a combination of different functions and event listeners. It seems to be related to handling user interactions​ and making API requests. The code also includes‍ a function for formatting ‌parameters‌ and an event listener for click events.

It’s not entirely clear what the code is intended to do without⁤ more context, but ⁣it appears to be related to handling user feedback, making API requests, and possibly displaying dropdown menus.

If you have specific questions ⁣about the code or need further assistance, please provide ‌more details or specific questions.ill check if the ‌recommendation ⁤engine is ‘A’ or ⁤’V’
‍ ​ if (this.engine == ‘A’) {
⁤ ⁤ ​ let xmlhttp‌ = new XMLHttpRequest();
​ let url = “https://api.example.com/recommendation”;
⁢ ‌ ⁢ ⁣ ‌ let params =⁣ {
‌ id: this.pos,
​ ⁣‌ feedback: feedback
⁣ ⁤ ⁤ ‌ url += formatParams(params);
⁤ ⁢ ‌ ⁣ xmlhttp.open(“GET”, url, true);
⁤ ​ ‌ ⁤ xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
​ ⁤ ‍ if‌ (xmlhttp.readyState == ‍4 &&⁢ xmlhttp.status ‌== 200) {
⁤ ⁢ ⁢ ​ ‍console.log(xmlhttp.responseText);
‌ ⁢ ⁤ ⁣ }
‌ ​ ​ }
‍ ‌ ⁢ xmlhttp.send();
​ }‍ else if (this.engine⁣ == ‘V’) {
‍ ‍ if (feedback == ‘share’) {
⁣ ‍ ⁣ ⁣ this.jxRecHelper.shared(this.pos);
‍ ​⁤ ⁢ ⁢ } else if⁤ (feedback == ‘save’) {
⁢ this.jxRecHelper.bookmarked(this.pos);
‌ ​ } else if ‍(feedback == ‘not-interested’) {
⁢ this.jxRecHelper.hidden(this.pos);
⁢ ⁤ ⁣ ⁢ } else if (feedback == ‘un-not-interested’) {
⁤ ⁤ ⁢ ⁣ ⁢ this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(this.pos);
⁣ ​ ​ ​⁣ ⁢ }
⁤ ​ ⁤ ‍ ⁢ }
‍ }

function formatParams(params) {
⁢ ⁤​ return “?” ⁤+ Object
⁣ ⁣ ‍ .keys(params)
‌ ⁤ .map(function(key) {
​ ⁢ ⁤ ⁤ ⁢ return key ⁢+ “=” + encodeURIComponent(params[key])
⁢ ⁢ })

⁣document.addEventListener(“click”, function(e){
let dx = document.querySelectorAll(‘[data-dropdown]’)
​ if(dx) ‌{
‍ ⁢ dx.forEach(function(el){
⁤ if(el.contains(e.target)) {
‍ ‍ ⁤ el.parentElement.classList.toggle(‘-active’)
‍ ‍ ​ } else {
‌ ‌ ​⁤ el.parentElement.classList.remove(‘-active’)
​ ⁢ ⁢ ⁣ }
⁤ })
⁣ }
})It seems like the code you provided is a JavaScript function for handling⁢ user feedback ⁢on a⁣ recommendation engine.‍ The function takes⁤ in parameters such as feedback ⁢type and position, and then ‌makes a request to a server⁢ based on⁤ the engine ​type.

Additionally, there is⁢ an event listener for click events⁣ that⁣ toggles a class based on whether the clicked element contains a specific​ attribute.

The text​ at the end appears to be a separate message‌ or headline related to birds in Antarctica. If you ‍have any‌ specific questions or need further assistance, please feel free⁢ to ask!processing ⁢of data from an API.⁤ The code snippet provided‌ seems to be a⁤ part of a larger JavaScript function that handles user feedback‍ for a recommendation⁤ engine. It⁣ also includes a function to ‍format parameters for an HTTP request and an event ‍listener for click events on the‌ document.

The code⁣ is not complete and lacks context, so it’s difficult to provide a complete analysis. If ‍you have specific questions or need further assistance,​ please provide ‌more details ‌or context.; 5000;
⁣ }

function formatParams(params) {
return “?” + ⁤Object
⁣ ⁢ .map(function(key) {
‌ return key + “=” + encodeURIComponent(params[key])

document.addEventListener(“click”, function(e){
let​ dx = document.querySelectorAll(‘[data-dropdown]’)
if(dx) {
‍ dx.forEach(function(el){
⁤ ‍ if(el.contains(e.target))⁢ {
​ ‍⁢ ⁣ ⁢ ⁢ ‍ el.parentElement.classList.toggle(‘-active’)
​ ⁣ ‍ } else {
⁢ ⁤ el.parentElement.classList.remove(‘-active’)
‌ ​ ⁢ }
‍ }
})It looks ‍like⁤ the code provided is a‌ combination ​of ‍JavaScript and HTML. ​The ⁢JavaScript code ⁤seems to handle user interactions and make⁤ requests to a server using XMLHttpRequest. The HTML code ⁤includes some ⁢line breaks and comments.

The JavaScript code includes a function for sending feedback to a ⁤server ⁣based ‌on ​user interactions. It ‍also includes a function for formatting parameters to be sent⁤ in a ​request.

The ⁤HTML code includes some line breaks and comments, as well as an ‍event listener for click⁣ events that ‌toggles a class on ‌elements⁣ with ⁣a specific attribute.

Overall, it seems⁤ like the code is related to handling user interactions ⁤and ‌making requests to‍ a server, as well as some basic HTML structure.le‍ berhasil disimpan’);
‌ ​ ‌ } else if (feedback ⁣== ‘not-interested’)​ {
‍ ⁣ ​ ​ ​ this.jxRecHelper.hidden(this.pos);
⁣ ‍ } else ⁢if (feedback == ‘un-not-interested’)​ {
⁢ ⁢ ⁤ ‍ this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(this.pos);
‍ ​‍ ⁢ }
‍ ⁣ ‌ ⁣ }

​ function formatParams(params) {
⁣ ⁣ ​ return ⁣”?” + Object
⁢ ‌ .keys(params)
⁣ ‍ .map(function(key) {
⁤ ⁢ ⁣ ‌ return key⁢ + “=” + encodeURIComponent(params[key])
⁢ ⁢ })
⁤ }

⁢ document.addEventListener(“click”, function(e){
‌ ‌ let dx ​= document.querySelectorAll(‘[data-dropdown]’)
⁢ ⁣ if(dx)‍ {
⁤ dx.forEach(function(el){
⁣ ‌ if(el.contains(e.target)) {
⁤ ​ ‍ el.parentElement.classList.toggle(‘-active’)
⁢ ​ ⁢ } else {
​ ⁤ ⁣ ⁣ ⁤ ⁢ el.parentElement.classList.remove(‘-active’)
⁣ ⁢ ‍ ⁢ }
⁢ ​})
‍ })xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
‍ ​ if (xmlhttp.readyState ‌=== 4) {
‌ ⁣​ ⁤ ⁢ if ⁤(xmlhttp.status‌ === ⁢200) {
‌ ⁤ ⁤ ‍ ‌ ‍ resolve(xmlhttp.responseText);
‍ ⁣ ‌ } else {
⁤ ‍ ‌ ‍ ⁢ ⁢ reject(xmlhttp.statusText);
⁣ ⁤ ⁢ ‌ }
⁤ ‌ ⁢ ⁤ };
⁤ ‌ ‌ ​ xmlhttp.open(“POST”, url, true);
⁢ xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(“Content-type”, “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”);
‌ xmlhttp.send(data);

⁤ function saveBookmark() {
const data⁢ = {
‍ ⁤ user_id:⁤ 123,
‍ ​ page_id: 456,
⁤ ⁤ ⁢bookmarked: ⁣true
‍ };
⁣ ⁤ set_bookmark(formatParams(data))
⁤ ⁢.then(function(response) {
⁣ ​ ‍ ⁣ ‌​ ⁣ console.log(“Bookmark​ saved:”, response);
⁢ ‍ ‌ })
‌⁢ .catch(function(error) {
⁣ ‍ ‌ ⁢ ‌ console.error(“Error saving bookmark:”, error);
‍ });

⁣ document.getElementById(“bookmarkButton”).addEventListener(“click”, saveBookmark);The ⁢code provided is a combination of JavaScript ​and ‍HTML. The JavaScript code includes an event listener for click‌ events, a ‍function ⁣for formatting parameters, and a conditional statement for handling different feedback scenarios. The HTML code ⁤includes line breaks‍ and ⁢comments.

The event listener for click ⁤events‍ is used to toggle the ‍active state of dropdown elements⁣ when clicked. The formatParams function is used to ⁤format ‍parameters for ​a request.⁢ The conditional statement handles different feedback‌ scenarios based on the⁤ engine and feedback type.

The ⁢HTML code includes line breaks and comments, but it seems to​ be⁤ incomplete and may be part ​of a larger HTML​ document.

Overall, the code appears to ⁢be​ related to handling user feedback and interactions on⁣ a web page.It looks like the code you’ve provided is a JavaScript function that sends an XMLHttpRequest ⁤to a server⁣ to provide user feedback. The function `event(feedback)` is used to send‍ feedback to the ⁤server,‍ and ⁢it includes⁢ parameters⁢ such⁢ as `ce_userid`, `ce_sessionid`, ​`ce_pageurl`, `engine`, and `ce_feedback`.

The `set_bookmark` and ‍`set_unbookmark`‍ functions seem⁣ to be ​used ⁤for⁣ bookmarking ‍and unbookmarking content, and⁣ they also ‍send XMLHttpRequests to the server.

Overall, it seems like this code is‌ part of a web application that handles user feedback⁣ and bookmarking functionality. If you⁣ have ‍any specific questions or need further assistance⁤ with this code, feel free to ask!

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