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DEEP RED – Raven Heart | Review at Stormbringer

On the third album by TIEFROT, the raven runs through the musical stories as an accompanying, deep red thread. His scream introduces “Dust And Tears”. A title that initially opens up melancholy widths before picking up speed. Regarding the past as lost time, only looking back to become clear about your own being.

The raven flies on, his “raven heart” beats golden. What is demanded by others is still desired, the raven heart remains between the poles of being challenged and not being enough. Not a rare topic.

The heart can also be found in the “Flame Child”. An outcast, gutted, spat at and branded. Revealing too much about yourself is obviously not always advisable.

“One of Us Both” is more of a sound collage. If you are looking for something catchy and danceable, you should keep looking.

Believing people could initially assume that “God Is With You” confirms their own convictions. Starting with bells and an alleluia choir, the power chord and synth wall picks up speed.

The flight of the raven continues slowly in “Schattenflügel”. One could almost think to be able to watch the raven over a snowy forest landscape. A raven that breaks away from its past and makes a new beginning. Quite pleasant.

DEEP RED obviously have it with the blood (“Das Blut der Lämmer”, “Fleisch und Blut”, “Das Bit Blut”). Some blood must flow, the “adrenaline” stimulates and new deeds are pending.

Conclusion: Female-fronted NDH occurs too seldom in consciousness, but no less in the butt. With song structures that stand out from other NDH formations. Those who like the CRUELY DAUGHTERS will also find joy here.

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