Home » today » News » Burgas mayors are categorical: We insist on revising the concession contract for Burgas airport – 2024-02-27 17:25:58

Burgas mayors are categorical: We insist on revising the concession contract for Burgas airport – 2024-02-27 17:25:58

We insist on a review of the concession contract for Burgas airport and for clauses that oblige the concessionaire to provide year-round flights!

This was announced by the mayor of Burgas, Dimitar Nikolov, who was at the meeting of the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria today.

Here’s what else he shares on social networks:

We categorically cannot accept what is happening or rather what is not happening at Burgas Airport!

We insist on year-round flights!

Over the years, we have had hundreds of conversations with “Fraport”, dozens of meetings, we have participated in various round tables! Several municipalities have even created a fund to stimulate more flights. And every time assurances from “Fraport” that they will do everything possible for year-round flights. No result!

It should be clear! With the lack of flights, the Southern Black Sea coast is really doomed! Which has significantly more tourists from the North in the summer. And during the rest of the time, our tourist bases have no chance to work, precisely because of the lack of flights. Our cities are devoid of foreign tourists in the off-season.

The issue is no longer even regional, but national! It affects an entire industry, it affects each and every one of us. And this is the categorical position of the mayors from Southeast Bulgaria!

We are not familiar with the concession contract, but certainly the penalties from its cancellation would hardly be greater than the losses of the tourism industry, the regions, and the state.

And while we think about it, tourists will flow to other neighboring countries and then we will wonder why we have all the givens, but we still can’t earn like them from tourism.

We insist on a review of the concession contract for Burgas airport and for clauses that oblige the concessionaire to provide year-round flights!

We, the mayors, will support all legal actions of local businesses, because they are fair and for the future of the entire region!

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