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Bulgarians fight in the foreign legion of Ukraine

A civic activist took part in hostilities against Russia

Bulgarians have left for Ukraine, where they will fight in the foreign legion for protection from the Russian invasion. One of them is Ivan Kalchev – Gligi, who is a prominent figure in the civil protests in our country. In the last parliamentary elections, he was a candidate for deputy of “Democratic Bulgaria”. According to him, there is another Bulgarian with him.

“If you watch this recording, then I’m already in Ukraine and I’m in the Foreign Legion for Territorial Defense of Ukraine. Many people have asked me why I’m leaving, and the answer is very simple: I’m going to defend freedom. Freedom is not just the right to choose what to do, but to have a free spirit. Not to do what you want, but to want what you do. That is, no one should control you “, Kalchev explains in a video on social networks.

His post also says that there are long queues on all borders of Ukraine, and at the entrance there are several checks. “Local volunteers are helping the authorities, driving people, patrolling, taking us in their personal cars to the nearby town. We offered to pay for their transport, they refused, with tears in their eyes. I am with another Bulgarian, I will not reveal who he is. “, writes Kalchev.

According to the latest data, 20,000 people from 52 countries are in the foreign legion of Ukraine

During protests against Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev in 2020, Ivan Kalchev was detained by police and charged with assaulting a uniformed officer in front of the Boyana residence while the state prosecution held a national meeting of prosecutors there. However, the court was adamant that the man had not committed a crime and acquitted him of all charges. Kalchev is also an active participant in protests for green causes such as the protection of the Pirin National Park, against construction on the Black Sea coast, and participated in protests for the resignation of BNT Director General Emil Koshlukov.

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