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British Prime Minister Increases Humanitarian Aid to Palestinians by a Third

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced an increase in British humanitarian aid to the Palestinians by a third, that is, by an additional 10 million pounds (11.5 million euros).

He stressed before Parliament, “We must support the Palestinian people because they are also a victim of the Hamas movement,” revealing that at least six Britons were killed in Hamas’ attacks on Israel on October 7, while 10 are missing.

Sunak pointed out, “We absolutely want to support Israel’s right to defend itself, but its response must be within the framework of international law,” noting that it is appropriate to acknowledge that Israel “faces an evil enemy taking shelter behind civilians.”

He stressed, “The attacks in Israel last weekend shocked the world. More than 1,400 were killed, more than 3,500 were injured, and about 200 people were taken hostage. Elderly people, men, women, children, and infants were killed, mutilated, and burned alive. We must call it what it is: “It was a massacre.”

He also considered that there are “difficult issues that must be resolved, to know how we can revive the prospects for a two-state solution in the long term, in order to normalize the situation and regional stability.”

Last week, the British government announced an increase of three million pounds (3.5 million euros) to the Community Security Fund (CST), which secures schools and community buildings.

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2023-10-17 04:45:37

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