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BRIN Examines the Effect of Light on Plants – BRIN

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) conducted research on the effect of artificial light on plant conditions in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. The research process was carried out at night for two hours in one period, on Wednesday (2/2).

BRIN Physics Researcher Isnaeni said this research used two tools, namely: Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) and Lux ​​Meter. PAR is used to see the effect of exposure to artificial light on plant conditions, especially in the process of photosynthesis. While the Lux Meter is used to measure the intensity of light from the lights installed in the area.

“The research process carried out tonight was to see the rate of water in plants. In addition, it also looks at the effect of light exposure on the photosynthesis process in plants,” he said.

The activity was carried out in two locations, namely Mexico Park and Astrid Park. In Mexico Park, research on light exposure was carried out on cacti and other succulents. While in Astrid Park, it was carried out on large trees.

Frisca Damayanti, a researcher at the Plant Conservation Research Center and Botanical Gardens, said that the presence of light is thought to cause plants to carry out the process of photosynthesis. In fact, according to him, generally at night the plants carry out the process recovery or rest. “Therefore, measurements of the rate of water use in plants were carried out using a Psychrometer and Sap flowmeter. This measurement can be an indication of the photosynthesis process,” he explained.

“The intensity of light at a wavelength of 400-700 nanometers affects the photosynthesis process, now this artificial light contains light in that range, so PAR testing is needed, so we want to see that,” he said.

Head of the Research Center for Plant Conservation and Botanical Gardens BRIN Sukma Surya Kusumah said there were three studies conducted to see changes in plant characteristics. First, on the topic of Spatial Modeling the Impact of Artificial Night Light on Plant Health Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Machine Learning (Case Study of Bogor Botanical Gardens).

Second, on the Analysis of the Influence of Artificial Night Light / Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) on Ecophysiological Functions of Several Types of Tropical Plants in Bogor Botanical Gardens. Third, want to know the spectrum (wavelength) of ALAN which has minimal influence on ecophysiological functions of tropical plants and want to know the intensity of ALAN radiation which has minimal influence on ecophysiological functions of tropical plants. (add)

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